Sep 07, 2010 23:02
[The place, Ironhide's training facilities- which are looking in considerably better condition than they had been a couple of weeks ago. It hasn't been easy work, but broken things can be fixed so long as the pieces are there.
...well, maybe not all broken things can be fixed so easily.]
[Edward sits there against one of the massive walls, partially due to the exhausting work with alchemy. Even though he's been working on portions of the structure across spans of days, it had taken a lot of effort for its sheer size and accommodations.
He'd been upset when he saw the mess made of the place, and that anger hasn't completely dissipated so much as brought down to simmer in the wake of the recent news regarding Ironhide.
And while he says nothing, actions do speak louder than words. His right fist clenches, right before it slams into the ground beside him, making a fresh crack in its smooth surface.]
† fullmetal alchemist | edward elric