[The Silver Bullet Arena--opening night!]

Sep 06, 2010 00:06



And Megatron has gone all out!

If you somehow managed to miss the past two weeks of advertisements toting amazing acts of near-death and daring, or the names of SUNSTREAKER and THE REAL OPTIMUS PRIME (TM) and MANY OTHERS (including a few famous Gladiators from the Decibel Circuit), it would still be hard to miss the


Indicating an event In Zone 4.

It would be even harder to miss THIS:

So. For anyone that wants a fight or a place to be from here on out? The Decibel Arena is exploded...

Why not come on down to THE SILVER BULLET?

Please enjoy the PLETHORA of fireworks for the opening ceremonies, and one free drink for each paid attendance...]

[Private and sneaky action that also occurs opening night...]

[It took Magnum longer than he wanted to get everything set up and running smoothly at his Arena, and way more fake credits than he'd wanted to spend in order to generate real ones...

But the opening ceremonies were underway and being televised on a few main holovid channels, so he could keep an optic on things from afar.

He had the Aurexian Starscream's coordinates...

...and, after careful surveillance to make sure said Starscream was out...

...a certain Malgian Megatron would be hearing a knock on the door.]

[[OOC--This is back-dated to a few days ago. Feel free to tag in being at the arena, fighting at the arena, getting drunk at the arena, etc, use it as a meeting spot, or what-have-you.]]

transformers: idw | megatron

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