Sep 02, 2010 21:09

[The normal 'Stock Hour Report' is interrupted by the ever calm and cheerful Andromeda, with an amazing scene of carnage and destruction strewn behind her.]

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† transformers: 2007 movie | megatron, npc | general

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[Just because he's blowing things up, doesn't mean he's not paying attention.] deceptivecon September 3 2010, 19:10:23 UTC
[He's just going to open his comm frequency, so he can speak to those recording this incident. B|]

Pathetic miscreant!

Please, do tell if an imposter is capable of this! [Insert more explosions here. It's absolute Bayhem!]

Make no mistake - I am Megatron!


[Voice] Oh good, b/c here's his fan club wreckerverity September 3 2010, 20:16:11 UTC
Wow. You are soooooo compensating for something. Tryin' to tell me that after all these millenia of civilization and bein' all superior to us lowly humans, and your type hasn't yet solved robo-erectile dysfunction?

[Verity's back to normal. Which means deathwish-mouth is Go.]


[Voice] I'm sorry, I can't help this, sob namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 22:51:28 UTC
What, not gonna offer to balance his aura and align his chakra? I thought you'd be happy about the extra-large bonfire~

[Welcome to Barricade's irritated snark. Verity will probably be there forever.]


[Voice] Is this how you repay her for all she did for you?! wreckerverity September 3 2010, 23:06:25 UTC
Only good use for that bonfire would be to burn him to slag. That would rid the universe of a ton of bad karma.

[Oh, she remembers you, Obstacle.]


[Voice] The deep embarrassment and humiliation? Yes! namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 23:31:38 UTC
Here I thought you were all about helping folks heal themselves and unleash their inner goddess, Rainbow Sparkling. Your negative energy is choking, sweetie.

[He remembers you, too.]


Re: [Voice] Enlightenment often feels like that, bb. wreckerverity September 3 2010, 23:41:16 UTC
You thought wrong. Some 'folks' don't deserve to heal.

And it looks like he's doing all the unleashing of his inner...evilness just fine without my help.


I don't hear you choking, Speedbump.


[Voice] Enlightenment often feels like that, bb. namesnotprowl September 4 2010, 00:12:51 UTC
[He snorts.]

His inner 'evilness'? That's the best y'can do?

Oh, I'm sure your aura is throttling any poor innocent plant life within thirty yards of you. You might be choking whatever totem animal you never diagnosed me with, too.


Re: [Voice] wreckerverity September 4 2010, 00:31:28 UTC
[Oh are you seriously trying to out-brat Verity?]

[Shrug.] Why'n't you ask him if that's the best HE can do?

Oh, I'm sure your inner Shih-Tzu is just fine. You seem to be doing enough yapping.


[Voice] namesnotprowl September 4 2010, 01:44:06 UTC
[Why yes, yes he is. Or he's turned his snark dial up to 11.]

I'm much more interested in what my friend is gonna do t'you once he's back to being 'unevolved' like the rest of us.

You sure that ain't how it expresses stress?


Re: [Voice] wreckerverity September 4 2010, 02:12:10 UTC
Who? The Rolling Marshmallow? Frag. Closest I've ever come to liking one of you fraggin' 'cons.

I think it was good for him. [Snooty. Because obviously Rumblestrip here doesn't know squat about it.]

I think that's how little yappy dogs signal they want to get kicked in the face.

[(Verity of course does not condone violence against animals. It's a metaphor, yappy!cade)]


[Voice] namesnotprowl September 4 2010, 02:27:24 UTC
[He makes a mental note to mention that 'Rolling Marshmallow' thing to 'Crusher.] Heh. We'll see how much ya like him later. You think he was fun when you were prancing in the tulips, just wait. [He's just confident; he figures he knows Bonecrusher better than anyone here.]

Mm. Like it was good for you? You gonna keep pounding back that wheatgrass, proclaiming meat is murder?

[He puts on a surprised tone.] But apparently not, since you're condoning animal abuse. For shame.


Re: [Voice] wreckerverity September 4 2010, 02:31:49 UTC
[(What Barricade's not considering is that if Reverse!crusher and Reverse!Verity liked each other, they might, both in their natural states, be similarly BFFs. )]

I'll always like Crystalmugger better than you.

And meat is murder. It's just *delicious* murder, and some things deserve to die.

Like mosquitoes. Roaches. Armdogs. Megatron.


[Voice] namesnotprowl September 4 2010, 02:54:50 UTC
[(Not really. But he is considering the whole 'circle of sharing' thing, and his own manipulative nature.)]

Yeah, yeah. We'll see.

My. How insensitive of you. Then again, I shoulda guessed that from the way you'd been acting Moonglow Wolfstar.


Re: [Voice] wreckerverity September 4 2010, 03:16:42 UTC
[Laugh] Seriously? A Decepticon is trying to give me some guilt trip about sensitivity?

Maybe you're infected, but it took a couple of days to hit you.

[Yeah, she really doesn't need to be reminded about that kthx. She's never going to get the smell of patchouli off her fraggin' clothes.]

Maybe you should worry about, ya know, your Fearless Leader blowing up half the city. Where IS Bonehugger right now, anyway? Huh?

[This is her first attempt at stewardessing a guilt trip. Comment cards can be found in the seat pocket in front of you.]


[Voice] namesnotprowl September 4 2010, 03:35:38 UTC
If I was infected, I might've been the one carting around crystals and talking about smearing people with sage or whatever. By the way, you still reek of that hideous treebark garbage?

[He's never going to let it go. Barricade is making it his mission to make sure you remember.]

If he requires me, he'll let me know. Besides, the city'll be much more interesting this way. As for my comrade, I'm keeping a couple optics on him, as previously ordered.


Re: [Voice] wreckerverity September 4 2010, 03:52:44 UTC
Okay, now you're just tryin' to piss me off by saying if you were infected you'd act just like me.

And shut up about how I smell. [Grumble.]

Awww, see? Like I thought: an obedient little armdog, aren't you? Can't even keep an optic on Crystalhugger without being ordered to.

Frag, you Decepticons suck.


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