Sep 02, 2010 21:09

[The normal 'Stock Hour Report' is interrupted by the ever calm and cheerful Andromeda, with an amazing scene of carnage and destruction strewn behind her.]

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† transformers: 2007 movie | megatron, npc | general

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namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 05:12:35 UTC

[Well. That was a surprise! And him nowhere near the action. Drat.]


[Voice] caelumtorqueo September 3 2010, 17:23:48 UTC
[What? He worries about the very few friends he has!]

Hey, uhhh, Barricade? You're not...anywhere near that thing that was just on the news, are you?


[Voice] namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 17:32:30 UTC
Nah. In Zone 7 right now. Ain't had much time or reason to get around the ex-Arena, so.

[He wishes he was there, though. This is his Lord, after all, not to mention he's been itching for a fight. Or a little destruction, at least. He could use the stress relief.]

... They're gonna deport him if they don't offline him. Aren't they?


Re: [Voice] caelumtorqueo September 3 2010, 17:37:12 UTC
You going to check it out? [He doesn't know how much of a Florence Nightingale complex Barricade's got.] I could, you know...if you need backup.

Umm, you think that's our...he's ours? Is that what she was referring to about 'last year'?


[Voice] namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 18:48:41 UTC
When the crowds thin out, maybe. [He huffs through his vents in frustration.] Would go as backup, but I dunno if our Lord would want that.

Said it was a Tyran going by Megatron, and I'm... fairly certain there aren't Tyrans stupid enough to try to impersonate him. As for last year... I could probably check back through the news postings, see what I can find.


Re: [Voice that Mr Paranoid here is going to lock] caelumtorqueo September 3 2010, 18:55:56 UTC
Huh. You might want to think which looks less suspicious? And whatever will protect you later no matter what happens. If it is Malus, what are the odds he doesn't get...ummm....removed? [Or insert better euphemism here.] And if you're caught up in it? You might want to protect yourself from reprisals or, you know, interrogations by the Transtechs?

[Paranoia: just one more service Skywarp offers.]


[Voice, Locked (which 'Cade doesn't mind at all)] namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 19:22:08 UTC
If he wanted any of us there, we would've said something. And the Transtechs aren't going to be too pleased about an illegal in the city. Removal's a certainty. [To be kind.] Know I oughta stay put, but... this is the third fragging time I'll've lost him.

[It's a wee bit frustrating. But at least he's conscious for it this time.]


Re: [Voice, Locked ] caelumtorqueo September 3 2010, 19:34:03 UTC
True. [By that measure, Malus NEVER wanted Skywarp. Which was...unsurprising, though now Skywarp was beginning to wonder how much the Tyran leader *knew* about him.] Unless...this virus thing mutated and he's acting unlike himself.

[Skywarp's memories of Megatron date back to Cybertron. Then a loooooong gap.]

What do you think we can honestly do? Rescue him? And what can they do to us? Purge us like you feared they would about the virus?

[Well, that sounds decisively...lame. It just seems unwinnable. Statistically it is.]

I can do an aerial recon if you need?


[Voice, Locked] namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 20:04:31 UTC
I couldn't say, honestly. Haven't been in his presence in vorns, and the last time there were orders from him t'me was two stellar cycles ago, for me. [Barring the usual sets here, obviously.]

[His engine rumbles in frustration. His hands are tied way too often here and he's starting to feel useless.]

I know. I'll stay put, but that doesn't mean I gotta like it. Y'know? All this scrap keeps happening and I can't do anything about it.

[Ironically, it feels just like back home for a picosecond.]

Nah. Don't want t'end up getting you hurt just 'cause I'm nosy.


Re: [Voice, Locked] caelumtorqueo September 3 2010, 20:12:10 UTC
Yeah, I can...more than relate. Trust me. Malus doesn't exactly have me on speeddial. [And Skywarp's beginning to wonder why exactly that is and how that might connect to his reprogramming.]

Well, at least you know what's going on. I'm so far out of the loop by the time I find there IS a loop it's already been...uhhh...[And the metaphor escapes him.]...unlooped.

Or something.

I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it. I could go. Besides. Getting injured means you'd have to fix me all over again. [Oh he gives a saucy wink, forgetting this is only voice. Maybe some of it comes over in his voice. ]


[Voice, Locked] namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 21:02:31 UTC
Sometimes being 'in the loop' just means 'congratulations, you're the new scapegoat'. Wouldn't worry about it all too much, if I were you. Though frankly I wasn't prepared for this. Or any of the insanity over the last couple weeks, either. [His existance, it's gotten out of hand lately.]

[He chuckles quietly over the line.] You're really that eager for me t'wag my finger at you while welding your plating back together? I think I'm flattered, Skywarp. [Admittedly he thinks that the offer is... incredibly nice of him. Usually he's the one doing the scouting, so it strikes him as kind of sweet. In a big nasty Decepticon way, of course.] I wouldn't exactly object to some better footage than what's on the network now, though.


Re: [Voice, Locked] caelumtorqueo September 3 2010, 21:37:27 UTC
Well, true. Low mech often gets the dubious honor of also being the whipping boy.

And yeah. I wasn't ready for the squishification or this last virus--and neither of them really even happened to me.

[He wants to ask how Bonecrusher is, but, yeah, it's...not his business. So instead.]

How are you holding up, by the way?

I'll see what I can get for footage. I can stay a reasonable distance away if you'd prefer. Any details you particularly want to know?


[Voice, Locked] namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 22:49:04 UTC
Yeah. Incredibly fun job, and all.

As far as the humanization, I can safely say that the rest of us weren't ready either.

[Barricade would have to really think about that question if it was asked. Since things may have been kind of... obvious. Or awkward.]

Surviving, mostly. If this never happens again, it'll be too soon.

Mm. Probably whatever you can get of the state of the former arena and the surrounding area. And what happens with Lord Malus.

[Because something about this is seeming a bit suspicious to him. He knows how Megatron can get - on occasion - but destroying a building that's probably abandoned doesn't seem like his style.]


Re: [Voice, Locked] caelumtorqueo September 3 2010, 23:09:50 UTC
One day we'll sit around and compare whose job is less fun. I'd rather a wager was involved so I can at last capitalize on my life.

[Don't worry; he'll keep your little secret. He does like secrets. They make him feel special.]

Right. Arena and monitoring. [Almost to himself, as if building confidence.] I can do this.


[Voice, Locked] namesnotprowl September 3 2010, 23:28:31 UTC
We can bring along the Aurexian Starscream, make a good bet outta it.

[That's so nice ;;_;;]

... You'll be fine. Just try t'stay outta the path of the Transtechs and the Lord. Thing'll probably get hotter when the authorities show up.


Re: [Voice, Locked] caelumtorqueo September 4 2010, 01:58:06 UTC
Bring it. I'm pretty sure none of you can possibly beat 'murdered, resurrected and reformatted against my will'. [Much less the crazy part.]

With any luck, no one will even notice me. Because like, why should that change, right?

[Oh that doesn't sound bitter at all, does it?]

Worse thing happens, I get to warp myself out of there. Be prepared to pick piece of pavement out of me or something. [Cheery smile! He's really getting this gallows humor thing down!]


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