[video] Unknowing Intro!

Aug 27, 2010 00:52

[The feed opens with two different voices, one possibly familiar, and no video; something large and grey appears to be blocking the camera.]

-right, I'll be careful.

You had better.  The next replacement fee is double.

-Double?  R-right.  Uh.  Thanks...

[The voices fade, with only a general murmur of an indoor crowd in the background before the squeak of automatic doors sound, and the ambiance changes to that of the outside air.  A claw lifting off the camera to show the sky makes it clear, and a blue optic peers down.  Bulkhead smiles sheepishly.]

Right.  I think it imported all my comm frequencies...

Anyway!  Sorry 'bout missing all your messages.  My last comm got...er, damaged.  And it took me a few cycles to get it fixed.  You know, the Transtechs and all that.  [He waves a massive claw over his shoulder back at the administration building.]  But I'm back now!

All my commissions are finished now, too, so you 'bots who placed orders should be getting them soon!

And don't worry, Dealer.  I used the time to work on the rest of my pieces for the Transtechian Gala showing.  It'll be ready in a cycle or two, pleeenty of time!

...Really.  You didn't need to leave twenty seven messages.  I've got it.
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