[Actionspam/Video - Demonstration in the Lightning Tag arena]

Jul 02, 2010 00:14

Normally, the massive Lightning Tag stadium at one end of Calibiri Park in Zone 1 is something of a fortress. It's hard to get into without a ticket or special permission, especially when there's not a match in progress. Today, though, the gates stand open, and there are mechs on stands outside them, calling for one and all to come on in and see ( Read more... )

† transformers: idw | ratchet, † transformers: idw | thundercracker, † transformers: 2007 movie | skywarp, † knight rider 2008 | kitt, † kingdom hearts | xigbar, † transformers: idw | starscream, event ! festival of pixels

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thunder_cracked July 2 2010, 20:25:08 UTC
[Having abandoned the spectacle of the tree in disgust, Thundercracker found himself drawn to the announcement of some kind of aerial display. It turned out to be a sport, one that was supposedly very popular in the Nexus. His interest was piqued right up until 'THE ILLUSTRIOUS STARSCREAM, FOUNDER OF OUR GREAT SPORT' was introduced.

And there he was. The Starscream from his universe strutting out amongst the other two players, looking as smug and pleased with himself as ever. The pure showmanship made Thundercracker want to purge. What a mockery this was after seeing Starscream lead armiesStill, the blue seeker stayed and watched, paying close attention. He was unable to find fault in the sport itself or the impressive rigs and stellar players. There wasn't anything wrong with what Starscream had created... it was just the simple fact that this Starscream was nothing more than a rich bureaucrat that made Thundercracker's energon continue to boil. And if he was being honest, it was also how slagging satisfied he was with it ( ... )


notatraitoryet July 3 2010, 04:05:21 UTC
[...Starscream can. Their style of Seeker-builds are unmistakable, and for all that Primaxians outnumber the other Cybertronian types, Seekers themselves are (relatively) unusual enough that they tend to catch Starscream's optics.

A Seeker wearing his brother's colors? There's no way he could miss that. But just as Thundercracker can't quite bring himself to call out, neither can Starscream. Not weighted down as he is by the knowledge that this is Thundercracker, this is his brother--and his brother had hung up on him.

Didn't...seem to want anything to do with him...

...But it's been so long.]

...Thundercracker. Did...you enjoy the demonstration?


thunder_cracked July 3 2010, 23:06:56 UTC
[Thundercracker is silent for a few moments, conflicting emotions fighting for dominance. No matter how changed, it was difficult to convince himself to abandon his brother... Trine protocols were still running strong- the desire to be close with and protect his wingmate.

In the end, he somehow manages to keep his face unreadable as he turns to acknowledge Starscream.]

The sport is...admirable.

[It is said grudgingly- but he feels he must give credit where it is due.]

Your flying skills don't seem to have diminished.


notatraitoryet July 5 2010, 01:11:44 UTC
[Thundercracker's reluctance is not lost on Starscream, his blankness like a physical blow. It's a fight to keep his own face from falling too obviously, but he manages.]

...Had to keep myself sharp, when it was just me and the lightning. Never saw a reason to stop, even if I'm mostly just flying for myself now.

But...thank you.


thunder_cracked July 5 2010, 22:48:40 UTC
[Starscream really did enjoy this thing he had created- maybe for the success and fame... but initially probably because he had nothing else to do. No war and no motivation to join either side even if there was.]

...Everything you're doing is mostly for yourself now, isn't it?

[TC replied, just a bit of an edge to his voice.]


notatraitoryet July 5 2010, 22:59:45 UTC
[Starscream doesn't answer immediately--can't look at Thundercracker when he does...

And he can't lie to him and say he does it for The People or his shareholders, either. Not to his brother.]

...Yes. Ultimately, yes.

It's not like I have anyone else to do things for.


thunder_cracked July 5 2010, 23:29:21 UTC
[Ugh, that hurt. TC isn't sure if Starscream was intending it to be a jab at him but... his brother usually knows exactly what he's doing when he speaks.]

And you're fine with that? Putting on shows and building little empires on other people's money?

[Folds his arms] ...Of course you are. You don't know what you could have been.


notatraitoryet July 5 2010, 23:38:33 UTC
I've seen what I could have been.

[He's seen it in the datatracks, he's seen it in the stories the warbirds tell him, he's seen it in the optics of the mechs who try to make him pay for crimes he never had a chance to commit.]

I'm not impressed.


thunder_cracked July 6 2010, 00:23:40 UTC
[His wings snap back, suddenly defensive. This was his Starscream that was being insulted...]

You weren't there. All you know is observations from others who have grudges against y- him. Do you really believe your future self didn't have reasons for doing what he's done?


notatraitoryet July 6 2010, 01:42:06 UTC
[And oh, Starscream recognizes that, and he can't help hunching, his own wings bristling.]

...I don't know, Thundercracker. How could he? How could any of you?


thunder_cracked July 6 2010, 22:18:40 UTC
[This is proving difficult to explain and even though Thundercracker had known that before hand- it still didn't make it any easier.]

We did what we had to. I don't think you can really understand war from just reading datapads, Starscream.


notatraitoryet July 7 2010, 00:23:08 UTC
[He folds his arms across his chest, optics fixed firmly on the ground.]

Heh. Not the first time I've heard that, Thundercracker.


thunder_cracked July 7 2010, 00:34:33 UTC
And yet you're still convinced you know better.

[Shakes his head] At least some things never change.

[TC has a fleeting desire to grab Starscream by a wing and noogie him, like in the old days- but it passes quickly.]


notatraitoryet July 7 2010, 00:40:09 UTC
[Starscream laughs again, soft and humorless.]

I've heard that before too, you know. Apparently, Starscreams are pretty consistent across the multiverse, no matter how hard we try to make ourselves stand out.

[He tries so hard not to sound bitter as he says it, glancing over at his brother sidelong.]


thunder_cracked July 7 2010, 00:46:30 UTC
Then you should know that the war can only influence so much. Think about that before you call your future self a 'monster'.

[TC gives him a stern look, arms folding across his cockpit]


notatraitoryet July 7 2010, 00:50:59 UTC
[Starscream actually flinches when Thundercracker says that, like the other jet had reached out and struck him. Oh, it's not the first time he's heard something like that, but he'd never have expected it from his brother.

The hurt look on his face even manages to last a few seconds, before he forces himself to subsume it in anger.]

That's not my future self, Thundercracker. None of them are, none of them will be.

I refuse. I will be the anomaly.


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