[Not locked. He's expecting his comm to do it for him, and it doesn't.]

Jun 14, 2010 01:26

[Soundwave's search is a strange announcement to wake up to, hearing broadcast over his comm.]

I'm in my room. That is a customary place to check....

[And he pauses, realizing he's not transmitting. Realizing he's not doing anything but speaking out loud, and that even that is strange.]


[Reaching out in the dark, he feels for his comm unit...and finds it, hitting the button that turns it on.]

[With his hand.]

[...a human hand.]


[Oh. Frag. No.]

If I ever get my hands on the thrice-cursed Primus of this universe, I am going to short out his circuits one by one.

Somebody get me Jonathan!

event! | human/mech event, transformers: idw | megatron

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