[Video: Unlocked]

Jun 01, 2010 21:03

[The screen shows a matte black jet, with (he thinks) rather dashing purple highlights, sitting behind a desk, scarcely able to restrain a chortle.  He clears his vocalizer, looks down.  The grin fades.]
In which Skywarp turns the tables, flips the script, and...goes a little power mad. )

† transformers: 2007 movie | skywarp

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houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 15:16:54 UTC
Of all the obnoxious habits you jets possess, I'd say I'd rate the tendency to babble ranks among the most annoying. Must you all be so needlessly loquacious?


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 15:30:12 UTC
I was disseminating vital information, Blackout. Key difference.

[Keeping in mind that Skywarp has been busy since his arrival with setting up his job--and dealing with *shudder* Velma--that he has NO idea of Blackout's current situation. Hence:]

You here to intimidate me about Megatron, too? I should be flattered. He sends his faithful yappy dog to bite my ankles.

[Smirk] 'Loquacious' huh? Nice to see Megatron finally sprang for that 'word a day' calendar for you.


houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 16:12:36 UTC
Seems like so much Transtech bureaucracy to me. We must have differing definitions of 'vital'.

Hardly. [He snorts, but his voice is sober when he continues.] You'll find I'm not much of an emissary for Lord Megatron, these days. It's pure disdain for your kind that impels me now, jet.

[...And another snort.] Please. My vocabulary has always been expansive.


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 16:22:12 UTC
[Laugh] You've been in the military how long and you don't realize it's ALL bureaucracy? Seriously. Think you need to get your tail rotor adjusted or something. It's fritzing your processor.

Oh, my apologies.

Remember, Blackout, I haven't seen you since Tyger Pax. Back then you were the strong, silent, loyal type.

How things have changed.... Now you're just a sad petty creature driven by envy of jet-frames. So...desperately unoriginal.


houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 16:41:41 UTC
Trastech bureaucracy is a breed apart, though if you're still new to this elaborate prison, I'm sure you could be forgiven for not yet having realized as much.

Hn. I am loyal. I have merely chosen to give my service to a new master.

If you think I envy any of you fixed-wings even the slightest bit, Skywarp, you're the one with a fritzing processor.


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 17:04:16 UTC
I love how your hatred of airframes affects your...rhetorical grandiloquence. Tsk tsk. For all our failings, we aren't afflicted with run-on sentences.

[OMG did the jet just grammar flame you? Yes. Yes he did.]

Loyalty that can be so easily shifted...isn't worth much. Who knows when the tectonics of your loyalty will shift again?

Whoever trusts you, in short, is a fool.

And the only reason you don't envy jets? Is because you fear us too much in combat.


houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 17:26:55 UTC
[Oh snap. Blackout might have just been told.]

And here I would have expeced one of your kind to take it as a compliment, that I'm willing to waste so many words on denigrating you.

... [ B| ] I don't ask to be trusted, jet, I only ask to be allowed to serve. And if the mech I serve chooses to give me to another, I can hardly object.

Oh, please. I know too much about jet weaknesses to have much fear of you.


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 17:34:00 UTC
[Skywarp is a jerk who was isolated for a long time with a grammar module for company. It's a...bad combination.]

Oh yes, having a copter's spleen spilled all over me is...immensely flattering. I'm just...overwhelmed. And...slightly sticky.

[Uh oh, cue the bonding montage music]

Really, now? Here's a disturbing thought, Blackout: at least your leader bothered to give you to someone else. Must be nice to be treated like chattel--damn sight better than being ignored.

[Oh don't think that self-pity's weakness, Blackout. You'll never beat him up as hard as he does himself. But...welcome to try. :D ]

Copter: superior. That what you want to hear?


houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 18:05:02 UTC
[Eeesh, no kidding. Poor jerk.]

[So dry:] A trip to the washracks will take care of that, you know.

...Hmn. I wouldn't call it disturbing. Rather, I'd say that if you're finding yourself ignored, Skywarp, you ought to do something to deserve being noticed.

Of course. The insincerity tarnishes the admission somewhat, though.


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 18:24:06 UTC
Washracks. Right. [Next on Skywarp's list of Things to Find.]

[Oh did your insult miss? Yes. yes it did. Thanks to Skywarp's Patented Short Attention Span!]

Oh, I will get noticed, Blackout. You mark my words. As soon as...I can think of something. Worthy. You know.


Look, what do you want from me? Six rotors good, no rotors bad. Right? Seriously. All sincerity? At least your command chain noticed you fraggin' existed. At least someone WANTED you when the offer was made.


houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 19:21:57 UTC
Your claim rings a bit hollow when you follow it with an admission that you've got nothing in mind. There might be a reason your worth goes unacknowledged.

[I.E., you don't have any, but at least he doesn't come right out and say that?]

Given that that may be the first time a jet's ever said those words to me and not meant it entirely sarcastically, I find I can't complain. And I'm not going to insult your intelligence by telling you, again, that you must do something worth noticing if you want to be so.


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 19:32:57 UTC
Hrm. Maybe it's just simply that I haven't gathered enough facts to come up with a workable plan. After all, I haven't been here very long and...

Oh that's right. You wouldn't know anything about that whole Thinking For Yourself thing, would you, Mr. Handed On Over Like a Tool.



houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 19:43:20 UTC
[Oh, ouch. Why you gotta hate, Skywarp?]

Just because I choose to serve doesn't mean I'm incapable of making my own decisions.


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 19:49:53 UTC
[might have something to do with all that 'raaarrr i h8 all jets' Blackout pulled? XD]

Oh of course not, Blackout. I'd never even dream of implying such a thing.

However, so much abject following might have let your initiative skills get a little rusty.

Along with your tact.


houndofmegatron June 2 2010, 20:08:42 UTC
[Hey, Blackout's a Decepticon, he's allowed to be a bigot!]

Of course you wouldn't. [Blackout's turn to be insincere!]

Heh. I assure you, I'm as capable to taking the initiative--when it needs to be taken--as I ever was. [By which he means only within the constraints of appropriately-phrased orders.]

And you make the mistake of assuming I ever made much effort to be tactful.


caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 20:57:57 UTC

Color me completely impressed. [He sees your insincerity and counters with some good old fashioned canon. :P ]

I do remember being entirely blown away by your initiative to, like, glue yourself to Megatron's side, follow his orders. Why, I heard you even stopped the immediate pursuit of the Allspark at Tyger Pax because you had to wait until Uncle Megatron gave you permission.

[grants one point]

And true. A mech like you has no need, really, of tact. Not when you have such a hard head.


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