[Video: Unlocked]

Jun 01, 2010 21:03

[The screen shows a matte black jet, with (he thinks) rather dashing purple highlights, sitting behind a desk, scarcely able to restrain a chortle.  He clears his vocalizer, looks down.  The grin fades.]
In which Skywarp turns the tables, flips the script, and...goes a little power mad. )

† transformers: 2007 movie | skywarp

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airspacecommand June 2 2010, 01:24:52 UTC

[Way too much like his own Skywarp. Way too much.]

It seems that your skills are finally being put to use as you will be able to talk as much as you want.


*jedi handwave* you are not the Starscream I am looking for.... :P caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 01:29:33 UTC

All the great [eyeroll] models of leadership I know bloviate. My turn.

['I learned it from watching you!*sob*']

And, oh, by the way, do you happen to do any sort of business with...The Publick?

[Pets clipboard]


Pff I'm better airspacecommand June 2 2010, 01:33:50 UTC
So you are taking a lesson from Megatron. I am sure he will be thrilled that you follow in his footsteps.

[Great just what he needed, to be questioned by Skywarp of all mechs.]

Fortunately for me and unfortunately for you -- not anymore.


better at what? bloviating? caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 01:40:44 UTC
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, they say.

[Skywarp fully intends to practice that 'power corrupts' bit himself. He learned that by watching Starscream. Being decent and honorable and stuff has gotten him...nowhere.]

Awww, you get shut down? Or did no one want to buy that stale ego you were selling.


Being awesome airspacecommand June 2 2010, 01:43:44 UTC


No, I did not get shut down. I am not a failure like some mechs.


You wouldn't know awesome if it were served on a plate with a white wine reduction caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 01:50:02 UTC

I...don't know whom you're talking about. I'm sure.

[Glare x 2 + corndogs]

So then, what? Unfortunate bankruptcy? Poor business model? Because that would be JUST like a Starscream, wouldn't it. Oh, here's a crackpot plan, all systems greenlight GO.


I'm still better than you airspacecommand June 2 2010, 01:55:16 UTC
The simplest things always did seem to fly right by those with your name.

[Why Starscream continues to bother? He has no idea.]



You don't even know how to have a moment of seriousness do you?


better at what? arrogance? caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 02:00:45 UTC
You know, Sparescream, you might consider that since I've come closer than anyone to replicating teleportation technology where I'm from, that not only CAN I be serious, I'm not quite as dumb as you seem to think.

[huffity huff huff]

But being underestimated by mechs who can't see around their own egos happens a lot to me. And almost always by mechs named Starscream.


Everything. airspacecommand June 2 2010, 02:06:51 UTC
Do not call me that.


[Starscream continues his glare.]

I do not believe you are stupid. Highly irritating, perhaps.


Ignorant, maybe.

But hardly stupid.

[His glare lessens a bit to that of a smirk.]

But you also seem to believe you are the only one to be underestimated by others.


Including loserdom? caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 02:15:50 UTC
Call you what? Spare-steam? Scarce-dream? Spore's-team?

[Oh, lookie. A button. I must mash it. (And yet...he wonders why he has no friends, right?]

Oh, I'm sorry; but this is one contest that you're going to have to admit to coming in pitiful second in, Screechy. When it comes to being thrown aside, and/or under the bus?

Yeah. You don't even rate.

[I win at losing! Suck it, bi---oh, wait.]


No that is reserved just for you. airspacecommand June 2 2010, 02:25:59 UTC
[Two can play this game. And Starscream does not play fair.]

Nihil nequius est te.

[Figure that one out, Skywarp.]


My, are you feeling sorry for yourself? Not very becoming for a Decepticon.


However, I will say this: there is much you do not know about me.


For ME? Really? *tears of joy* caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 02:33:00 UTC
[Oh, like Skywarp would have it any other way.]

Now, you see? Much better. Hrm. That sounds pretty sleek.

[Thinks about petitioning...THEM to have that made into the motto of his office. Sweet. Classy sounding.]

Well, we all can't be as awesome as you, Starscream, so, you just have to expect so many crushed souls under your almighty thrusters.

[Wow, he actually said that without laughing. He's impressed with himself.]


Yes you <3 airspacecommand June 2 2010, 02:37:34 UTC
Primus ...

[Starscream resisted the urge to just slap his palm against his face.]

... With that attitude, how you ever expect to rise to a rank of power?

[Starscream was actually not considering how much shooting this one in the face would make him feel better. For once anyway.]

Or ... is it that out of everyone it is you who sells yourself short.

[Damnit. Why was he trying ... to be nice ... or helpful ... or at least not hateful. Must be the familiarity. Or insanity. One of the two.]


Frag. Now you'll want a thank you card. caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 02:45:56 UTC
Maybe--and here's a thought so crazazy it deserves the extra syllable--not all of us are after mere ambition and power? Other things to want out of life, you know?

[Respect, knowledge, the fraggin' recognition you fraggin' exist by your *($%*^in' Command structure...you know.]

I don't even sell myself.

[Mostly because there are never any buyers. Makes him feel like the ugly puppy in a pet store window, honestly.]


Well, of course airspacecommand June 2 2010, 02:55:44 UTC
Power can mean more than one thing, Skywarp.

[Power is something Starscream knows all too well about. He also likes to talk about it quite a bit.]

And I do understand as much as you seem to hate to admit.

[Frag. He didn't want to get into this... but...]

I ... Hmpth. I mean, I used to know a mech back before the war. He was a scientist, much like you claim to be.

Everyone underestimated him. His peers, his partner. Everyone. Even the science academy found fault in his achievements.

He knew more than any of them realized ... yet they left him at the crossroads alone.


Dammit. VELMA, get me a damn card! caelumtorqueo June 2 2010, 03:08:11 UTC
Yeah, I know about power. I know that clawing after political power, trying to climb your way up over others only ends up with a lot of stepped on necks. Which tend to be attached to integrated weapons systems.

Me? Don't really want to spend that much energy watching my back.

['Claim to be a scientist' my thrust-vectoring. Have half a mind to warp over there and....]

That's a sad story, there, Starscream. The only thing that surprises me is that you think it's so rare.

You know...smart as you claim to be.


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