[ Anonymous Text; Locked from Dirge B| ]

May 30, 2010 23:15

I would like to pose a question to the residents of this Nexus.

What purpose does physical affection serve in an emotional relationship?  Pleasure is not required to maintain relationships.  It can be used as incentive, entertainment...

I do not see why it is considered 'important.'

Please explain.

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transformers: idw | soundwave

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[failed anon because skywarp is bored and possibly overcharged and maudlin and such] caelumtorqueo May 31 2010, 03:46:03 UTC
Physical affection? Like...kissing and interfacing and such? [He may know...a little.]

Fine balance, really. Giving. Taking. Trusting. Showing someone how you feel by...feeling. Being open, vulnerable.

tl:dr: bein' a slaggin' idiot who deserves the backstab when it comes.


sound_loyal May 31 2010, 03:49:40 UTC
Vulnerability is a weakness.

I do not see how it would aid the situation.


caelumtorqueo May 31 2010, 04:04:47 UTC
1) Yes. That's...kinda the whole point. Who do you trust enough to be weak in front of?

2) Aid the situation at the end? PFFFFF no. At the time? Yeah. Think of it this way: You make someone feel good, they remember that and reward it. Could be useful.

If you're the scheming type.

Or if you KNOW any scheming types, that could be what they're up to.

Just a thought, though, really.


sound_loyal May 31 2010, 04:21:44 UTC

It is possible to make that individual happy without physical intimacy.

I do not understand how offering weakness is a sign of emotional affection. Vulnerability could be interpreted as a loss of ability, the deterioration of resolve, or more simply, in its literal sense, as weakness.


srsly you bringin' the jet *down* caelumtorqueo May 31 2010, 04:30:20 UTC
Mmmmmm, yeah. There's, I suppose, an intellectual happiness. But we're more than, or less than, depending on how bitter you're feeling, minds floating in space. Stuck with bodies that can feel pain. Makes sense that there'd be a counterbalancing pleasure, right? Take away the pain; bring pleasure. Sure it's low and 'primal', or whatever...but...so's killing.

[Flops onto back. He'd like to kill something now, for example. Just to keep in practice. Okay, maybe not right now when he's so overcharged he can barely stand. *wobble* ]

Think of the other this way. You know you have weaknesses, right? What a show of trust and strength to be willing to show that to someone else. And that someone else, who also has flaws and weaknesses, trusts you--and ONLY YOU (or so you delude yourself)--to see theirs.

[What? Skywarp ramble? IT's his version of the inevitable Seeker Tendency to Run at Mouthiness.]


He'll send him credits to purchase another round later. sound_loyal May 31 2010, 05:13:19 UTC
Pleasure is offered as a service, so as to ease pain?

There is a possibility that the individual will reject the offered affection. They are then privy to your weakness, and hold no sentiment toward you.


can he unglitch a hangover? caelumtorqueo May 31 2010, 05:19:49 UTC
Yeah, kind of. OR balance it out. Too much pain and you kinda...forget what you're even trying to stay alive for, much less fight for. Helps keep your priorities straight.

[wow, TMI much, Skywarp?]

As for the second, yeah. Kind of the point. Whole thing's a slaggin' power game. I mean, don't even get me started on the whole power macarena that's required to actually pull off interfacing. [yeah, srsly, don't]

If the person, mech, gazelle, whatever the slag you want, is already above you in the power chain, what've you got to lose? Unrequited lust often appeals to leaders as much as requited.

Intriguing. Dishtracting. Flattererering.

[realizes he sounds like a bad perfume commercial.]


sound_loyal May 31 2010, 05:27:03 UTC
Physical intimacy can be obtained without emotional attachment. It can be exchanged for information, mutual pleasure, or other services.

[Soundwave would know. He's offered himself in exchange for important information many times in the past. :| Mostly because he was mostly emotionless at that point, and didn't see the big deal.]

I am well aware of the process of interfacing.

You are suggesting that I attempt to seduce the individual, to display emotional affection?


caelumtorqueo May 31 2010, 05:39:24 UTC
'Physical intimacy' is BETTER if there IS emotional attachment.

Maybe slaggin' try it sometime before you try to cop some 'expert' attitude.

[oh and look, we're at the hostile stage of our overcharge yay]

And I am 'suggesting' nothing, fraggitall. First off, the way my life goes? Anything I suggest? Do the exact opposite.

'Nd second? The very fact you're using the word 'seduce' means you don't have the concept down yet. Still trying to cast yourself as having some slaggin' control.


sound_loyal May 31 2010, 06:06:44 UTC
An expert attitude was not intended. I apologize.


Then I should not do as you say?

... I am used to being in control.


caelumtorqueo May 31 2010, 06:15:11 UTC
[Soundwave is making his processor ache, almost drowning out the burn of the cheap energon.]

What? No. I said if I SAID to do something, do the opposite of something. Just in GP.

[wait, but then...that meant that Soundwave should NOT do the opposite of whatever Skywarp said, and....aaauuuuuugghhhh!!!]

Okay. Forget that part.

The whole point is you're NOT in control. Not like you're a total wusswaffle, though. Because that's like...Starscream hard to respect. But there's a certain kind of

[yeah, you're going to fail in phosphorescent colors trying to explain THIS bit. ]

power in letting your guard down. Just a little.

Any idiot can sit in his recharge and refuse to be touched and think he's a badaft. Have to go prove it, you know? Same thing with emotions. Use them, or they kind of go...ugly on you.

[Skywarp's TMI is reaching core meltdown stature, isn't it?]


sound_loyal May 31 2010, 06:23:56 UTC
... It is more emotionally powerful to display weakness?


caelumtorqueo May 31 2010, 06:32:24 UTC
[rubs talons over face. Woof. Why don't you ask me something easy like how to do calcs on a double-star gravity well? THAT I can do while this fritzed out.]

Yes. If you do it voluntarily. Forcing someone to do it--like an enemy or something--totally different.

But if you're in a position of power and control and you voluntarily step down from that power, even for a klik, right? Think how that looks to the other mech. That you'd give up...all that...for him. Or her. Or it.

[Hey he doesn't know this Soundwave's preferences and doesn't want to judge. Maybe Soundwave's in love with a VCR. ]


sound_loyal May 31 2010, 06:54:43 UTC
I believe that I understand your point.


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