[Excited video] (Slightly backdated?)

May 24, 2010 21:39

[Hi, have a GIANT YELLOW OPTIC all up in the camera, before it pulls back to show a Jetfire.]

Brother!  Brooootherrrrr!  You must be coming quickly!  The hexopodly things are having their 'hatching!'

[He turns the camera to point at two rather tiny eggs, both shaking and rocking back and forth.  Hatching is eminent!]

transformers: animated | jetfire, transformers: animated | jetstorm, † novels of temeraire | temeraire

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iplaywinner May 25 2010, 02:06:15 UTC

Yes Brother, I am to be coming!

[This is him...really hastily making goodbyes and asking Ratchet to hang onto Blackout for just a few minutes BYE!]



okiefordokey May 25 2010, 03:56:38 UTC
[And Jetfire is waiting at the pet store, bouncing back and forth in nervous excitement, waiting for his twin to arrive!]


iplaywinner May 25 2010, 04:09:35 UTC
[Jetstorm...flies in. Literally, brushing through the doors in fear that he's going to miss out on his brother's present to him. It does at least mean that he arrives in time, though, and uses Jetfire for his final bit of brakes, bumping into him as he sets down and throwing his arms around his twin's neck.] I am not being too late, am I?

[Just as the eggs start cracking.]


okiefordokey May 25 2010, 09:02:57 UTC
Errk- a-almost, Brother! You are cutting it close! [Jetfire gags a bit when Jetstorm's arms go around his neck, but he retaliates by shoving a decently large plastic-wrapped bag of something rather...squishy at his twin's head.]

You will be needing that! [He smirks, punching him on the arm before ducking down to watch this 'hatching' process more clearly.]

[...The bag, by the way, is filled with bloody chunks of raw meat. Primus only knows where or what beast they came from.]


iplaywinner May 25 2010, 19:08:36 UTC
[...the problem with 'decently large plastic-wrapped bags' is that they puncture on sharp metal. When its shoved at Jetstorm--he reacts, reflexively, and grabs for it...

...and promptly ends up with icky organic juices and tiny chunks of meat spilling out over his chest and shoulders.]

EEEW EW BROTHER what is this stuff being?

[Desperately, he tries clawing it off while he also tries uprighting the bag to prevent more spillage. This is a very, very not cool day. (On the other hand, a quick car wash before going back to Ratchets sounded nice--maybe he could tell Blackout to come and meet him at one? If Blackout hadn't followed him, anyhow.)]

[The tapping and rocking gets more furious, as if the eggs now have...somehow...detected the meat smell...and the cracks spread wider!]

[Which turns Jetstorm's attentions back to them, and away from the nasty meat.] Which egg is being yours, brother?


okiefordokey May 25 2010, 21:05:18 UTC
[Jetfire howls with laughter, before almost immediately gagging at the sight and smell of the stuff wafting through the room. It was bad enough buying that organic...'meats'! Seeing it spilled all over the place...urgh!]

Eww, Brother! You are needing to learn how to catch better! [Then he shrugs even as he covers his olfactory sensors, opting to stay crouched down near the table holding the cracking eggs rather then to help his twin; his own bag of meaty nastiness in his lap.] I am... not really picking? One is mine, one is yours.

[He shrugs again, moving to point at one randomly to claim it as his own...when the first crackles open with a spray of goopy bits of eggshell and indignant squeaking. Jetfire rears back in surprise with a startled squeak of his own, which leaves room for the little, wet bronze to turn about on the table, tripping over it's own wings in it's eagerness to sniff the air...before it turns and launches itself right for Jetstorm's meat-splatted chest with a ungainly, uncoordinated flopping of limbs.]


iplaywinner May 26 2010, 00:18:46 UTC
[If Jetfire thought it was bad being near the smell, it was much worse being in it...

...which of course meant that, as he scraped some meat chunks off, he smeared them on his orange twin.]

You are needing to throw better, too... [He smirked...]

[And then promptly diverted his attention to the egg. Which, pretty much, was just in time for the tiny thing to launch itself at him.] W...wait a minute! [Being an Autobot, there was still the tiniest bit of trepidation about previously unobserved organics...
but the hunger he could sense coming from the little thing was enough to quell the brief fear, and he caught the lizard in one meat-stained hand...and with the other, offered the bag of 'meats.']
...brother, be looking at this! It is eating like a vacuum!

[Which would be interrupted by a loud crack from the second of their eggs...a tiny blue lizard poking its head out, eyes whirling frantically as it searched about for food. It could smell food--where was food?]


okiefordokey May 26 2010, 04:11:37 UTC
I am not sure a vacuum could be holding that much! [Jetfire gaped, staring until the second egg diverted his attentions. Eying the tiny little blue head in hesitant awe, Jetfire silently offered up the bag of meat.

The little blue squirmed, not even completely free from the eggshell and already straining eagerly toward the meal with a long neck. It quickly began squeaking in distress after it found itself still trapped and unable to reach, and Jetfire, making a face of disgust, scooped the bit of meat Jetstorm had swiped on to his armor off with a finger, and cautiously offered it to the tiny beast.]


[He jumped when he felt it touch his armor, but dropping the meat right in front of it seemed to distract the fire lizard enough to keep from startling it, and the tiny thing nearly choked itself in its eagerness to devour the entire chunk. Jetfire grinned.]


iplaywinner May 28 2010, 22:25:29 UTC
You are being right, brother! [He was surprised how much the little critter could eat, and had to keep it back from jumping into the meat bag entirely...which thankfully just involved making sure there was plenty on his hands. He really, really was going to need a wash after this.]

[It wasn't so much that he didn't get a glance over to brother's egg, though, and just grinned.] Mine is being orange, like you....


okiefordokey May 31 2010, 06:15:20 UTC
[Jetfire reached out, tentatively offering the little blue organic another finger-full of meat, which it snatched away and scarfed down greedily. He didn't pull that time when it's soft hide brushed up against his armor.]

...And this one is being blue, like you. [He turned to grin at his twin.]


iplaywinner May 31 2010, 07:42:38 UTC
...then it is being fate, brother!

[The little bronze dragon had, (finally), finished its fill of meat, and was curling up in Jetstorms hand, looking for a warm-ish spot.]

I will be calling him 'Fire,' after you.


okiefordokey June 3 2010, 05:15:58 UTC
[Meanwhile, the little blue finally managed to crack it's shell, tumbling out and flopping wetly in Jetfire's hand. The jet made a face at the feeling of goo getting into the gaps in his armor, but carefully held on to the tiny beast, offering it more meat at the physic promptings of hungerhungerhunger!]

I am agreeing...it is being colored like blue - and storms can be blue, so I will be calling him that after you too.


iplaywinner June 3 2010, 09:17:16 UTC
And together, they are being Firestorm!

[Jetstorm grinned, poking the tiny lizard into a slightly warmer spot on his cool-ish frame, and sealing up the bag of (mostly depleted) meats.]

Which is the most awesomest of names, yes?

But he is being overly greedy already, just like you brother...


okiefordokey June 6 2010, 05:24:11 UTC
[Jetfire barked a laugh, startling the tiny being into squeaking and flopping back onto it's rear in it's sudden failed attempt to leap away. He eeped, immediately clamming up in fear he might have hurt it, only for it to start chiding him with high pitched squawks.

The offer of another bit of meat as a bribe shut it up almost immediately.]

They are both being very, very greedy little Firestorms, yes. Is reminding be of you, brother, when it is refueling time and you are inhaling energon.

[Of course, the moment Jetfire said it he is reminded of the time Jetstorm really did guzzle energon with the same frantic need...and gave his twin an affectionate kick to take the unintended sting out of his words and to hide his own wince. Storm's sad, curious little warble over his meal echoed his thoughts traitorously, however.]


iplaywinner June 7 2010, 16:26:13 UTC
[Jetstorm was watching his brother, now that his own lizard had settled, and he stroked the creature, gently, while it slept.]


[The kick thudded against him solidly, but he didn't budge, just...quiet. Contemplative in an odd moment of non-hyperactive clarity.]

Maybe we were being wrong, brother. This city...it has evil and good. Maybe...it..is just everything that we were needing. Little bits of happy--like you, and like Fire--and lots of bits of having to grow.

We are just having to be lasso-ing those harder bits so they are not kicking us down, yes?


okiefordokey June 7 2010, 23:20:35 UTC
[Jetfire made a face at Jetstorm's explaination, shrugging helplessly.]

It could being so, yes. But I am thinking there is still lots of badness here. [He rubbed a finger at the tiny firelizard's back even while he was talking, earning a pleased thrum out of it.]

We are needing lasso and ice and burn lots of bits here, I am thinking... [Jetfire frowned, looking away. He was still far from pleased with the Nexus. Meanwhile, the tiny blue continued eating until it could hold no more, belly round and full. With a burp and a content squeak, it settled in Jetfire's messy palm, earning a confused look before he managed a smile.]


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