[Video] Bug-B-Gone!

May 24, 2010 13:29

[There is no warning before the comm clicks on, taken up mostly by Dirge's mouth]

It worked! Whatever adjustments you did to that machine it worked this time! [Triumphant cackle]

[He backs up a bit, finally revealing his sudden lack of mandibles, antennae, or any other bug parts. The jet preens, showing off his newly returned sleek chassis.]

Of course- I don't actually remember going into the chamber again... And- [He checks an internal chronometer] -I seem to be missing several days...

But I'm willing to trade a few days consciousness for my old body back. I have to admit, I was beginning to think you weren't going to follow through, Black Arachnia. I am pleased.

[ooc: For those who never saw him before he was bugified- he looks exactly like TFA Starscream, just different colors. X3 But you probably know that about the clones.]

transformers: animated | dirge

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