[locked to Barricade//closed actionspam]

May 11, 2010 23:05


[...Yeah that's as good as it gets, folks.]

† transformers: 2007 movie | bonecrusher

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[locked to Bonecrusher//closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 03:14:31 UTC
'Course I am. Now that you're in working order.

[Finally, something he might succeed at! Finding Blackout had been a bust.]

Let's do this.


[locked to Barricade//closed actionspam] brbhatingumoar May 12 2010, 03:27:18 UTC


[Hauling himself up and OUT.]



[locked to Bonecrusher//closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 03:42:38 UTC
Someday, maybe.

[He's quitting now, really. Figures Bonecrusher got enough grief while being fixed, anyway. He follows after Bonecrusher.]

Lead the way, 'Crusher.


[closed actionspam] brbhatingumoar May 12 2010, 03:56:18 UTC

[Once he's comfortably transformed and outside, he peels out.

...Not that he can go that fast. Still though. Zoom!]



[closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 04:02:09 UTC
[Oh, Barricade remembers how fast Bonecrusher is. Driving slow enough to not outpace him on that highway had almost driven him to distraction.

But he doesn't complain, keeping an easy pace with him. It's kind of nice to not rush for once.]

Right with you.


[closed actionspam] brbhatingumoar May 12 2010, 04:04:30 UTC
[You know, Barricade, you're really amazing at hitting every sore spot he has. For the record, and all.]

...GOOD. [He knows...how easy it is to keep up with him B|]


[closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 04:09:07 UTC
[Hey, he is so not commenting on it. Besides, Brawl had been so much worse. And alienating the only other Tyran 'con grounder was not on his List of Things To Do.]

Not gonna skip ahead. [His tone is pleasant, and he tries to make it obvious that he's not bothered by the speed.]


[closed actionspam] brbhatingumoar May 12 2010, 04:13:39 UTC
[Bonecrusher's glad Barricade isn't choosing to be a total jerk about it. He tolerates the shiny black cop car far, far more than he ha ever tolerated anyone else, ever. He's not sure what that says about him, or about Barricade.]

...'S NOT FAR FROM WHERE WE ARE NOW. [He knows this place, knows where it is and what it's like. He'd lived here once, before being called back to Megatron.]


[closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 04:19:10 UTC
[He's trying his best to keep his (somewhat shorter) temper in check, along with his metaphorical tongue. He doesn't want to be a complete jerk to the mine vehicle. And not for reasons involving his own safety; he tries not to consider why.]

Sure thing. [He'd heard what specs Megatron gave them, and had the bird itself on his processor. He said they'd recognize it, but the only avian he's met here... no, that would be insane.

Wouldn't it?]


[closed actionspam] brbhatingumoar May 12 2010, 04:27:26 UTC
[Bonecrusher does appreciate that, and while his own shirt temper and anger has gotten the best of him more than once (most recently being the little human), he manages to keep it in check specifically around his still new roommate. Hm.]

KNOW WHAT WE'RE LOOKIN' FOR, RIGHT? [Bonecrusher hadn't had the pleasure of running into that pathetic excuse for a cassette bird, of which he's secretly glad. He actually isn't particularly keen on doing this, to be frank. He'd grudgingly respected Magnum, especially after he'd beaten the pulp out of Bonecrusher sparring on several occasions.]


[closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 04:36:02 UTC
[After that incident with Barricade pulling a mech apart in the street (in front of Bonecrusher even, something he never would have done in the past), he's made a point to be pleasant with his roommate when he can. Hrm.]

Got an idea of it, if I'm thinking of the same bird. [Which was unfortunate; the little thing had been pleasant company. He's not sure what Megatron would want with it; it could hardly fly, so what's the point of grabbing it? Still, he's not going to argue with orders.]


[closed actionspam] brbhatingumoar May 12 2010, 12:18:41 UTC
[Bonecrusher was mightily impressed by that, to be frank.]

Y'MET HIM ALREADY? [Bonecrusher has only just recently put two and two together. There is absolutely no other reason that Megatron would send him and Barricade after a 'bird' in Magnum's little Hollow. Granted, he has no idea as to why Magnum might be in the body of a bird in the first place, but...well. There's a lot in life Bonecrusher can't explain and this is one of those things.]


[closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 13:13:46 UTC
[He's glad to know Bonecrusher seemed to enjoy it. He's... still kind of embarrased about getting like that in front of someone, though.]

The bird, yes. Said it was part of some contest, took it back to the Arena. [Paranoia is what he does. While he might not know Megatron's history with Magnum, the avian's instructions and their... unusual discussion of leadership has had him suspicious since it happened. But now this. Well, he was supposed to show up this week anyway. Hopefully he'd get a few answers.]


[closed actionspam] brbhatingumoar May 12 2010, 23:35:17 UTC
...CONTEST. [He snorts, he doesn't really quite believe that. At all, actually. Still though, he leads the way down and through alleys rumbling quietly. Not. Pleased.]

HERE. [He's stopped right outside the Hollow, pulling himself up to his feet and shaking himself as he does.]


[closed actionspam] namesnotprowl May 12 2010, 23:47:51 UTC
'Find the Lame Bird' or somethin' like that. Frankly I just pitied the thing. Couldn't fly t'save its Spark. [He'd secretly laughed about it on the way home.]

Excellent. [Any more alleys and he might have a claustrophobic freakout. He shifts up, shaking himself and 'fluffing' his plating out for a moment.] Guess from here it's roaming until we find the bird? Can't see anyone willingly giving it up, if it's that valuable.


[closed actionspam] LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED. not_your_gun May 13 2010, 06:21:19 UTC
No, indeed, I've no intention of giving it up.

[This had been...enjoyable. Soundwave had alerted him to the intruders with enough advance notice that he'd been able to insert himself (and his brand new, beautiful, upgraded and flight-capable body) into one of the many dead-end tunnels in the maze outside his lair. Everything from this point....

...was just a field test.]

I'm afraid you've been sent on a wild condor chase, my friends.

[And with that, he raised his canon on one arm and a standard laser blaster in the other, and fired at them both.]


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