
Mar 20, 2010 23:25

[The video is on, but it's not showing Blurr himself. He's got it pointing forward as if from his own view.

He's clearly moving very quickly through one or possibly several of the levels. Everything's flashing by far too quickly to tell exactly which zone it is, however. He hasn't really let loose to run in a long time.

Hopefully nobody watching can get motion sick from this kind of thing, because yeahhhh they'll definitely get it otherwise.

Eventually he stops somewhere in Zone 1, at a nice park. And turns the camera around to face him. He's not even the 'bot version of winded, or whatever.]

It's been awhile since I've had a real run. Unfortunately this city isn't very conducive to such things as they don't let us out of these zones and to the rest of the planet where there might be places a 'bot can really open up the throttle. I've been delivering messages and packages all over the city for a courier company and while they do appreciate my speed, it's not as good as my old post which got me slagged.

[Pause.] ...Jet twins? That's what people call you am I correct? We should have that race sometime soon.

† transformers: animated | blurr

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