[Not locked-Probably audible to anyone in the 'house,' too.]

Feb 14, 2010 23:42

[The communicator flips on as its smacked, in the darkness, by a tossing and turning hand. There are the soft sounds of someone waking up, and the shadowed outline of Mikaela sitting up in bed.]



[There's a kind of strangled gasp, as the shadow touches a hand to its face...and then there is just a scream.]

transformers: idw | megatron, event ! bodyswap

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[Voice - as secured as possible] knightslegacy February 15 2010, 21:19:35 UTC

Are you well?


[Voice - as secured as possible] not_your_gun February 15 2010, 21:25:27 UTC
[...this voice he recognized, even if it had been a long time since he'd heard it. The AI...what had his designation been again? At least this post is locked...and...maybe he should be locking the other ones, but if he does that, its going to suddenly be very obvious he knows more than he should know about encryption.]

...must have...acciden-tally posted...[he leaves the name out, since he can't think of it. So Mikaela really was friends with everyone, wasn't she.]

Just...a nightmare. [...a nightmare that won't go away. He forces himself to take another breath, and shivers.]


[Voice - as secured as possible] knightslegacy February 15 2010, 21:27:50 UTC
I see.

[He had some experience with nightmares. Mike did have them occasionally, though when he woke from them, his hands were clenched in fists and he was ready to kill the next person he saw. He tended to sequester himself afterward. ...Or have another beer.]

Is there any way I can assist?


[Voice - as secured as possible] not_your_gun February 15 2010, 21:34:23 UTC

[...hm. Alright. He's had a bit of time to get used to this, and he's almost completely mastered blinking...which he's going to consider a monumental accomplishment. Since no one is expecting him to get up and try doing flips, maybe he can take a moment for some recon.]

I'm...just...upset. From everything that's happened, its been...horrible. [He shivers again, not finding this hard to fake at all when he considers his experiences since waking up.] The Decepticons...aren't up to anything, are they?


[Voice - as secured as possible] knightslegacy February 15 2010, 21:38:12 UTC
I have not heard. I am uninformed to the recent happenings. I have been... absent.

[And that was putting it lightly, when it came down to it. The truth of where he'd been would come to light eventually, but until then, there was no reason to spread the story around.]


[Voice - as secured as possible] not_your_gun February 15 2010, 21:48:14 UTC
Oh. [...well, there went that plan. It explained why he hadn't seen the vehicle around, though.]

Its...good to see you back. [The words are right, he's sure of it, but the tone is off, and that's something he doesn't know how to fix. This is not going to go well at all, he's sure of that much. Someone's going to figure him out.] ...you...are alright?


[Voice - as secured as possible] knightslegacy February 15 2010, 21:54:17 UTC
[The word choice is off. The grammar is off. And now that he realised something was different, he realised the greeting was off, too. After his absence, Mikaela would've been excited to hear from him, even if it had been after a nightmare.]

I am fine.

[And that was partially a lie, but now he was sure Mikaela couldn't tell.]

However, I do not believe you are.


[Voice - as secured as possible] Oh, smart Kitt~ not_your_gun February 15 2010, 21:59:55 UTC
No...you...you're right. I'm not fine. I don't...I... [His lips purse, and then very quickly unpurse in surprise, not having expected that sort of body language. There's...programs...already in place, it seems, for every sort of mood...and he doesn't know what they are, or how to control them.] ...I don't know whats wrong with me. I'll...

I'll talk to you later. I'm sorry.

[This has him worried. He disconnects.]


[Voice - as secured as possible] And now he's even more suspicious... Bwaha. knightslegacy February 15 2010, 22:04:30 UTC
[...Confirmation. He will be watching this, albeit from a distance.]


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