
Dec 15, 2009 00:19

Huh. Snow is... not so bad... hmn.

[There are driving sounds in the background. Apparently, someone is taking his still-like-new self for a drive in the white stuff.]

Should lock this bit...


Downloaded that... file the announcement sent out. Seems... simple enough. We have funds... might as well... do... something. You know what I mean...

[Which is Ironhide's roundabout way of asking what he should get you people. However, as he struggles to form the words without directly asking, his engine gives a sickly sort of whine.]


[And then there's a squeal of brakes, as the engine sounds deteriorate further, followed by cursing, and a crunch. Only silence and static follow for a few moments, before there's a low groan.]

... ow. What... just happened...?

((ooc: For the curious, Ironhide's youth ran out on the day of the snowfall |D He is unharmed, just plowed into a snow bank.))

transformers: 2007 movie | ironhide

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