
Nov 26, 2009 08:37

[The first vision presented by this particular communicator is a close-up of a bovine eye, surrounded by black fur. The view pulls back to reveal the rest of an equally bovine head, crowned with a finely-worked band of metal decorated with feathers. The communicator is inspected critically before the creature -- something about the eyes and the graying muzzle suggests 'female' and 'old' -- turns to someone off-screen. And speaks.] Ah, I see now. I thank you for your kindness to an old woman.

[The 'camera' pulls back a little more, revealing black-furred humanoid shoulders clad in leather and carved wood, a braided mane, and a feminine physique that matches her voice. The female focuses fully on the communicator, ears pricked forward.] I am Magatha Grimtotem, shaman of the Shu'halo and elder of the Grimtotem clan. I have been told that this is a way to speak to a large community bearing these devices, and so I have a question. What has happened to the spirits here? The automatons that profess to rule this world can tell me nothing, and I believe some of them think I am mad for even asking. [One ear flicks backwards in visible irritation.]

† world of warcraft | magatha

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