Ground King Prix Signups!

Aug 18, 2011 17:09

Sign up below to enter a character into the Ground King Prix!

What's in it for you?


Winners of the Ground King Prix receive a lot of in-game perks! They get to be the figurehead for the Night of Wishes Masquerade, invited to all the best parties or at least provided with plenty of free food, drink, and entertainment. Additionally, they get to have one wish granted by the Transtechs!

Wishes can be simple or could wish for a kickass penthouse in Zone 1, or maybe some new, complicated upgrades. You could wish for your criminal activity to be stricken from the records, or a government job, or perhaps or you could wish for you and your friends to be sent back to your universes...though Shockwave would find a way to have you retrieved quickly enough. Override, 7-time Ground King Prix champion, always made a wish for the next race to be bigger and more complicated than ever--but your wish can be almost anything.

Additionally, there are all sorts of other potential outcomes: The winner of the Prix gets to be a celebrity! They'll be solicited for acting gigs, commercials, modelling contracts, product endorsement...anything you want. Of course, your character might find that to be their own personal hell, but its the fast-road to fame: It's never easy.

Rules of the Game

This year, the winner of the Prix will be determined by a mini writing contest. Fill in the text box below with what character you'll be entering and a tiny blurb about their racing style, and we'll provide you with a prompt for a location in Zone 2.

Using that setting, you can write a kickass scene about how your character takes the lead! It doesn't have to be very long--we'd prefer 500 words or less--but it's your character's time to shine so talk them up as much as you'd like!

Then, when we post the in-game Ground Prix, comment with your stories! If you have more than one character who would compete, feel free to do so with separate stories for each. You will have until 6pm Eastern Standard time on Saturday to get them in.

The winner will be determined by a panel of volunteer judges who will be looking at creativity and style, so its possible for any vehicle to win--fast, slow, driven by a human, anything. The winning story will be considered to be the 'last part' of the race--with your character taking the lead just in time to cross the finish line.

The winner and runners up will be announced in the text of the Masquerade Gala post Saturday evening (around 8pm EST.)

Racing Guidelines
  • No flying is allowed. Short, powered jumps will be allowed provided that one is not propulsed while in the air.
  • No weaponry may be used on fellow contestants or on private property (IE the buildings surrounding the race 'track'). However, weapons can be used on the road or on obstacles in the course.
  • You may race in both vehicle and root modes if applicable. The course is designed to be traversed entirely in vehicle mode, but there is no penalty for transformations.
  • Leaving the designated track is permissible for periods of up to one minute. If a racer is off the track for more than one minute, they will be disqualified.
  • One pit stop will be allowed to occur at the half-way part of the race. Any racers with pit crews will be eligible for up to five minutes for repairs/refueling/refitting.

Judges needed!

For anyone not directly participating in the race, we're looking for three race judges. Race judges will be characters selected from the crowd on race day to oversee the race from a special booth, provide commentary, and help confirm the winner.

Players of race judge characters will additionally confer on Saturday to select their favorite story and determine the new champion of the Ground King Prix!

If you're interested in volunteering to be a race judge, please comment below.

Entry form

Competing character and verse:
Biggest racing strength:
Biggest racing weakness:
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