Sep 07, 2004 14:45
ok two things. 1) sunday night/monday morning i was at a friend's place. i don't get reception at his house. so later monday night i check my VM's and i had 3 new msgs. the VM lady usually says the date and time and then the call back number or the pre recorded name if the person who called me has sprint. then it goes on to the msg. well the lady said the time and day..then all of a sudden its just this guys voice laughing (evil laughing) and im just like wtf? so i continue to listen to him laugh loudly for a good 20 seconds and then the guy was like, "something going to kill you" and i was like wtf is this? and by then i was so fucking creeped out that i just deleted the msg because i didn't want to listen to him anymore. im thinking it was a private number because the lady didn't say a number before the message. so ok if it was one of yall..please tell me cuz that shit scared the fuck out of me. or if it happened to you. i can't think of anyone who would do something like that. except maybe one person as a joke. but yeah just tell me if you did it so my mind can be more at ease. ehhh..ok...not cool. 2) i cant stand people who think or feel like they have to prove something to people. i was out with a friend sunday night and this guy came up to me and was like, "you look really familiar, do i know you from somewhere?" and i was like, "whoa yeah...your name is _____ right?" and he's like yeah...(he went to oceana) and then he turns to my friend, who i met through a friend and was like, "you look really famaliar too" and apparently they went to church together...ok that was hella weird that we all knew each other. anyways, so we were just talking and then he asks us where we go to school. my friend says ucsd, and then i say berkeley. and then he's like oh..blah blah...i didn't want to go there (reffering to berkeley). and then he told us how he went to this private med school and then he starts to say how he got into all those schools (meaning ours, or thats how he suggested it to be) and then he names some other schools too. and he's like yeah i could have gone there too..but well i didn't get any scholarships so i didn't want to go there because its too expensive. and then he like starts to just kinda rag on our schools, or going to a UC like he was better than that and shit, or smarter not to go there. and after high school, i know he went to csm. now like i mean maybe he did get into those schools, but like shit even so, i don't understand why you have to feel like you need to prove something to since we go there and you didnt. i dont really know how to explain it, but i dont know, i just dont like people who do that. and then he started to shit on my friend's church. i was like wtf? i mean who does that? you make fun of someone's church? how do you respond to something like that? it was just like his whole attitude was "im better than you guys" because he goes to the chinese alliance church and got accepted to all the UC's but chose not to go. it's like he's paraniod that people will judge him if he says he went to CSM not a UC. and i mean if he did get into a UC i find it odd that he wouldn't go to it just solely for the name. whatever man.