Now, *sigh* I've never watched 'Doctor Who' before season 5, and I don't plan to. So, I don't know if I should be as confused as I am. A lot of shows change characters and all that, but do it where the previous is important or else... there's no point. BUT I just... cannot watch any other Doctor other than the Eleventh. Matt Smith, I fucking love you.
Let's start from the beginning. First off, I kind of went about this in the same way I went about it with Syfy's Alice. I saw a bunch of vidders on YT vidding about it. I really had no interest in watching Alice AT ALL. I thought "Meeh. Why not give it a go?" and it turns out I LOOOOOVE Alice, and if you're my friend, or creep around my journal, you probably know this already. It is EXACTLY the same with Doctor Who. A bunch of vidders vidded it and I didn't think too much of it. Alex Day, who I love, reviewed it and he giggled like the fanboy he is. xD SO, I decided to give that show a go. *takes a deep breathe* Okay... THIS SHOW IS FUCKING AMAZING, AND IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE NEW SEASON, YOU BETTER FUCKING SEE IT NOW BECAUSE YOU'RE SO MISSING OUT.
I love when The Doctor first shows up, and the first words out of his mouth were, "Can I have an apple?" ROFL. And how he kept asking for food, and when he finally got it and started to eat it, he hated it and wanted something else. And the bread and the butter! Amelia pushes the plate toward him and the next thing we know, the front door opens, he throws it and says, "AND STAY OUT!" I mean, that, right there, did it for me. Is it bad I basically shipped him and her? She's like 7 there and he's.. well... however old he is. xD GOD, I'm such a horrible person. Roflmfao.
"Why did you say six months?"
I know, I skipped a huge portion of the episode, BUT I'M COMING TO IT.
Anyway, when that line was said, my little shipper!heart burst into a million twinkling stars. And his reaction broke my heart. It was like... sdkghdgaa. Seriously, I wanted to cry at his expression. Now, getting back before that little scene. When he's hit with the cricket bat was HILARIOUS. It didn't even look like it hit that hard! xD And yet, he passes out. I can't even say that was bad about the show, because it was just priceless. Then he wakes up handcuffed to the furnace or whatever, and Amy is there.
BTW. There was a line he said there, and I can't remember it exactly, but when Amy was going into the room, I think he shouted, "Are you just going to leave me cuffed here?!" It was something like that, and I don't know why, but that line melted me. xD I don't know if how he said it was sexy, or just that he said 'cuffed', I dunno.
OH, NO. I just re-watched that bit. He was like, "And you NEED to uncuff me now!" when Amy was headed toward the room. *swoons*
I think I just lost all focus to even talk about this anymore, because now all I wanna do is watch that part over and over again.
Uhm, basically, I love the new season. The only season I've seen. xD AND MATT SMITH IS THE BEST DOCTOR. I dunno of the other doctors, but.. I'm sure he's the best. So, yeah. I'll gush more about this later when my mind is on it and not on how Matt says his lines, KAY?! KAY.
Oh, and I can't forget one of the best lines (there are many) in the first episode.