Aug 18, 2004 03:03
I no longer have an excuse to not update this, I now have a great Toshiba laptop which was purchased tonight. This thing fucking rules! I move into school a week from Thursday.... I have basically everything packed except for clothes and the essentials. My parents made me take down all of the posters and pics that I had up on my walls, the bareness of my room i think upsets me the most. On another note I have been taking these diet pills Maxadrine with ephedra in them, and my tummy is definetly getting smaller. At this rate maybe i'll look decent on the beach next summer, but i'm not getting my hopes up. Tomorrow is my last day at work, boo fucking hoo.... dont have to put up with Bertuccis until winter break, and only for a month thank fucking god. Until then I'm going to be content as an unemployed, broke college kid, and I dont care as long as I have money to get drunk on weekends.
Yea so it's been pretty boring around here since most ppl are on vacation, Amber just got back from Flordia, Robin's still in Maine, and Maria doesnt get back from Tampa until Friday. Planning a camping trip for Saturday night, in case ne1 wants to tag along. Yea its definetly 3:14 in the morning and I have no fucking clue what im even bitching about ne more.
Gah and Grrrrrrr