Possible fannish auction blather

May 29, 2010 04:26

Yeah, I'm posting on LJ again. But until more of you move over to DW *dangles invite codes inticingly*, I have to if I want to reach anyone.

So, I've been hemming and hawing for awhile, on twitter, over the idea of running a fannish charity auction for The Jim Collins Foundation:

The mission of the Jim Collins Foundation is to provide financial assistance to transgender people for gender-confirming surgeries. The Jim Collins Foundation recognizes that not every transgender person needs or wants surgery to achieve a healthy transition. But for those who do, gender-confirming surgeries are an important step in their transition to being their true selves. However, access to gender-confirming surgery is impossible for most. Discrimination against transgender people is so prevalent that many transgender people struggle to survive, never mind save for surgery costs. Even for those who have health insurance, coverage is systematically denied. Many insurance policies contain a “Transsexual Exclusion Clause” which excludes all medical procedures related to a person’s transgender status. For many transgender people, access to surgery is out of reach.

The Jim Collins Foundation raises money to fund gender-confirming surgeries for those transgender people who need surgery to live a healthy life, but have no ability to pay for it themselves. We recognize that for those people who require surgery for a healthy gender transition, lack of access to surgery may result in hopelessness, depression, and sometimes, suicide. The Jim Collins Foundation is a community-based initiative promoting the self-determination and empowerment of all transgender people.

Yeah, awesome. What I want to know from my wee f-list is:

Would anyone be interested in helping me set it up/run it?

Would you be interested in offering fanfic/art, food, or anything else for auction?

When should I run it? (I was thinking in November, to coincide with TDOR, but obviously I'd like to know what would work best for offerors). rm just reminded me about NaNoWriMo, and since many fannish people do that, that's not a good time. So, how's October (National Coming Out Day is the 11th of that month) work for everyone? Still gives plenty of time to plan what you'd like to offer (and for me to figure how to run all this)

NOTE: I cannot possibly run it before September, because from June 16-July 7 I will be visting Girl and thus mostly offline, and after I get back I begin the maddening work of tracking down an apartment and possibly another job. I am just trying to get planning done *now* while my head is still mostly clear and I'm not fatigued from all that.

Would you, at the very least, help promote it?

Thanks all.
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