My tweets

Nov 19, 2010 12:01

  • Wed, 14:07: RT @ ScottABachmann: @ DrBlinkShrink Is it really murder if you know they aren't going to stay dead? -TryingNotToFeelGuiltyUnderMySkullMask
  • Wed, 14:07: RT @ DrBlinkShrink: ANSWER: Is it really the death penalty if they know *you* aren't going to stay dead?
  • Wed, 14:12: RT @ GuildFans: What's this? An exclusive Guild Wars 2 contest with awesome prizes from @ LTLPrints? - - Check it out! ...
  • Wed, 14:14: RT @ JokingEnvelope: Satan no longer speaks to your children through Dungeons & Dragons. But only because he thinks 4th Edition sucks. ...
  • Wed, 14:14: RT @ JewelStaite: Me: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think there's too much bacon in this sandwich." My husband: "You're dead to ...
  • Wed, 17:14: RT @ God_Damn_Batman: Hey Harry Potter, if it took me eight damn movies to defeat one lame villain I'd probably give people their money back.
  • Wed, 22:43: RT @ CobraCommander: So you're telling me he's a noseless wizard who can't defeat a socially awkward boy? And he's not the comic relief?


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