As I mentioned
here, I've been having urges to build or create stuff. I was looking into doing stuff with Polymer Clay, but after some research I realized that it's not really a viable option at the moment. The materials are kinda costly for what I was thinking of doing, especially a toaster oven to bake the pieces in. Not to mention a certain lack of space and time for a project like that.
Instead, I've decided to try my hand at Papercrafting. Print, cut, glue, done. Sounds simple and inexpensive to start as I already have most of the materials on hand. Just had to spend a few bucks to supplement what's sitting in storage and my laziness refuses to let me go dig out. I've acquired a bunch of
World Works Games products, so I'm going to try one of the buildings first. I've also been browsing around 4chan's
Papercraft & Origami board and grabbing things I find interesting for future building. Google has turned up some neat results as well, like the
Fallout 3 Combat Shotgun.
It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.
Maybe if you're all good little minions, I'll post some pictures of my finished products. Which reminds me that I need to create a Flickr or Photobucket account or something. And I'm also reminded that I've been having the urge to play with my camera more and look up info on photography. I've been told I have a good camera eye. I wouldn't mind being able to do professional photoshoots for sites like
Suicide Girls, or
Gods Girls (those 3 links are NSFW, you've been warned). Hey, I can be professional about it, I swear! The eye candy is just a perk. So? I should learn my way around Photoshop so I can at least watermark my photos for copyright protection. Then I can throw them into my
DeviantArt or something.
See, I told you I've been wanting to do something. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's not like I have plenty of stuff to fill my time with as it is.
"Only you can prevent human flesh fires."
-Three Dog, Galaxy News Radio Station, Fallout 3