Stand on the face of the Ancients

Feb 04, 2008 20:27

What's this, another update only hours after the previous? Oh noes!

Decided to get out of the house a bit today, and went to see Cloverfield.  Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I hope they make a sequel because I want to see more detail into (how can I word this without giving away spoilers..) all facets of the creature.  Also, I would like to maybe see things from other viewpoints, like the military.  And I would like to know what happened to some of the characters, in more detail, and what happened afterwards.

The only ting that bothered me was the shaky camera.  And that was only because I kept trying to focus on certain things.  But, I also understand that this was fully the director's intent, so I'm okay with it.

Got tagged for a meme by
syverce, figured I might as well go ahead with it.

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1 - I don't like receiving gifts.  Well, I do, I'd just rather not.  It always makes me feel awkward, especially so if I don't/can't give anything in return.  Whenever someone asks me what I want for my birthday/x-mas/whatever, my answer is always, "Nothing."  Of course, this gets on some people's nerves and I get chastised for it.  Some even pull the, "You'd better tell me something or I might end up getting you something you don't like anyway," card.  So, then my next answer is either a gift card, or I hand over one of my wishlists, depending on who they are.

2 - I am anal-retentive/OCD about some of the weirdest things.  There are certain things I have to have absolute order and organization in, and others I'll leave a complete mess.  For instance, my CDs have to be organized in alphabetical order by artist, and in the order the CDs were released for each artist.  My DVDs also have to be in alphabetical order.  Files and bookmarks have to be organized.  Small pieces for my games are put into fishing tackle boxes for organization.  And yet, my computer desk is a mess.  I have piles of papers set in areas of my bedroom that I need to go through and file or put away and never get around to it.  I also have some other random junk just spread everywhere.

3 - I have terrible luck.  I'm not the only one who thinks so either, there are witnesses.  I catch red lights while driving all the damn time.  My die rolls usually end badly.  I never win contests of chance (drawings, raffles, etc..).  Weird stuff happens to me, or my stuff, all the time.  I think I must have done something horrible of epic proportions in a past life or something.

4 - I have Social Anxiety Disorder.  I should probably seek therapy for it, but I don't want to.  I just do my best to force myself to do things others seem to not have any trouble with.  I've gotten a lot better over the past few years.  Going to see Cloverfield is the second time I;ve gone to the movie theatre by myself, something I would vehemently refuse to do in the past.

5 - I do not watch the news or read the newspaper.  It's too depressing.  It always about bad stuff going on in the world.  Why the hell do I drag myself down with that crap?  Yes, I know there are things I should know about because they do affect my daily life by way of the economy and things like that.  Still, since there are rarely stories of something good happening, I just don't pay attention.

6 - I am constantly moving my legs.  Usually by way of bouncing them when I'm seated.  I do it unconsciously and sometimes don't even realize it's happening until someone says something to me.  But, I don't have Restless Leg Syndrome (which I kind of think is a crock anyway.  I mean, come on, what other conditions can we come up to try and top each other's illnesses.  Oh yeah, Cell Phone Elbow! pfft).

7 - I have nightmares, a lot.  Thankfully, I usually don't remember them upon waking up.  Also, I classify nightmares a bit differently than most people.  I consider any dream that I have a sense of fear, frustration, guilt, depression, pain, violent anger, or a combination of these as a nightmare.  I have them just about every night, and have had them for as long as I can remember.  They usually don't affect me once I wake though, for which I am grateful.  Only once or twice have I woken up from one and vomited.  Good times.

I only have 7 other actual friends here, so my tagging is easy!








randomness, movie, meme

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