You had to give them all a sign, didn't you? Didn't you?

Jan 18, 2008 06:25

Well, I've joined the masses on World of Warcraft.  And, I blame
nimnix for it.  Fully.  Full blame.  Full full blame blame balla dalla ding dame.  I feel very much the hypocrite.  I've been against playing for so long for different reasons.  The monthly fee, the cartoonish graphics, the talk about the community being full of arrogant pricks, a couple gaming groups I was a part of dissolving because people started to play it and left, the "trendiness" of it (yes, I know, bad reason), and a few other reasons I can't remember off the top of my head right now (so they must not have been important anyway).  I've tried the trial twice before.  The first time my computer wasn't up to par to run it at the time.  The second time, I couldn't figure how to do anything, and I was NOT going to ask in chat fort I've seen the responses people have gotten to simple questions.  Nimnix urged me to try the trial again, and I actually had fun.  So, I decided to give the full version a shot.  I can always cancel my account later if I feel the need to.

I needed a new online game to play.  I'd gotten burned out on Guild Wars big time.  I didn't like some of the recent changes they made to the format (title grinding ftl).  I'd lost the urge to roleplay on there even though I love my character and the story lines he is a part of.  I think that was mostly because I only RP'd him with
ladyofdrakes' character for the most part.

I like one on one RP, but after a while it loses its...something, for me, if that's all I do.  I didn't realize this until I sat down and tried to figure out why I didn't feel like doing it anymore.  A lot of the other people who had characters he interacted with stopped playing (to play WoW, or other games), or stopped coming to the events.  Then eventually all other people except a select few of us stopped coming to the events.  After that, a few other people I RP'd with started getting on my nerves with their general asshattery, even in character.  So it pretty much left me with one person to RP with.

Hellgate: London was a lot of fun, at first.  The crashing issues (which were mostly caused by my bad RAM) killed a lot of the drive for me, along with (as far as I got) all the areas and critters looked the same.  Like Dungeon Runners, it seemed like I was doing the same shit in the same shithole, over and over.  I didn't really feel any sense of advancement save for getting better loot, bit by bit.  I'll still play it every now and then, but it's not something I'm going to devote a lot of time to.  When I feel the need for zombie hunting, explosions, and headshots, that's where I'll turn.

Now I'm giving WoW a whirl (Wheeeee..  Oooh, dizzy), after my few years of bitching about it.  If I didn't already have friends who played, I probably never would have.  I'd have kept avoiding it like a Rosie O'Donnel look alike contest.  For those that care, I'm on the Moon Guard RP server, in the Harbingers guild that was started by some friends from GW.  So far I mostly play Jurg (a Dwarven Fury Warrior) and Phost (a Draenei Shadow Priest, who's character sheet isn't coming up for some reason right now).

In other news, we haven't had Game Night the past couple of weeks.  You never realize how much something like that means to you until you're forced to skip it a few weeks in a row.  Hopefully this weekend we can get things going again.

I'm also looking into picking up a new game or two.  However, there are so many I want that I can't decide (sooo many shinies).  I have this problem with things often, everything looks good and it's hard to narrow it down.  If anyone has any suggestions as to what they think I should pick up next, I'd be glad to hear them.

And on another front, I've been inspired to create my own world to write stories in, with also the possibility of roleplaying (after I choose a game mechanic/system).  Right now I'm not going to put too much about it here.  For one, I don't have that much down, just a few ideas.  For two, I don't want anyone stealing anything I come up with and running off with it, yet.  Maybe I'll have a grand scheme of getting it published so that others can do stuff with it.  I'm not too sure about that yet.  Like I said, I still don't have much down or decided.

Eventually I'll start posting Friends Only posts about it on here.  What I'll say about it for now is it's been influenced by several different things from varying mediums and genres.  I don't what as of yet will be taken from all of those influences, but there is much to choose from.  Oh, and it will be set in a Medieval Fantasy type era.  I may create a Modern Era for it as well, that's undecided and far down the road if I choose to.

On a final note, for those who care, I'm still single and not sure what to do about it.  If anyone has any single (not psychotic) lady friends with the same situation, in this area, I would not be opposed to a blind date.  Just throwing that out there.

I think I've rambled on enough for now.  Until next time.. uh.. PIE!

world of warcraft, world building, guild wars, roleplaying, gaming, video games, hellgate: london

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