Quickie. . . mmmmm, quickies

Jul 20, 2007 08:01

I should be getting my new hard drive today. Ordered a 500 gig SATA drive to replace the 30 and 80 gig EIDE drives I'm currently running with and started running out of space. I has lots of shits on mine compycomp. The new one will get a fresh install of windows and be partioned out for all of its uses. Granted, this is assuming that the initial set-up goes smoothly and Windows starts its install without any hitches.

I had been participating in the Second Life phenomena for a while, but, I find it boring now. Being on third shift now, it's hard to find people online, even in something as worldwide spanning as Second Life. So, when I get around to it, I'm gonna be selling the land my group owns, leaving all my groups, and downgrading my account to the free level. Maybe I'll pick back up on it someday, maybe.


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computer, purchases, randomness, videos, gaming, video games

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