Jun 21, 2010 21:52


Canon Source: Left 4 Dead series
Canon Format: Video game.
Character's Name: Rochelle
Character's Age: 29.

If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? Aura Sensing. Specifically, knowing where people are within a limited range, such as knowing someone is in the bathroom behind a closed door despite the fact she cannot physically see that person with her eyes. In a way she senses people like how you can see your teammates in Left 4 Dead's "character outlines" through walls and such.

Weapons: AK-47 and an axe.


Character History: Rochelle's canon was originally modern-day America in a normal world. She was an associate producer in journalism for a big-name news station called "Eyewitness 10", where was mostly lugging about cables and getting coffee. When Green Flu (to be explained below) had people start called in sick, she got promoted to her dream job: producer. She's assigned to Savannah, Georgia to cover a story in the infection before becoming caught up in the infection herself, trapped and fighting zombies with 3 other complete strangers.

Green Flu, a rabies-like pathogen, has hit the East Coast of the United States. It's better known as the infection, which is better known as a "goddamn zombie apocalypse and shit". You get the picture. Civil Emergency and Defense Agency (CEDA), initially tried to contain infected individuals in quarantined buildings. As cities and towns started to become more and more overrun with infected/zombies, mass evacuations were attempted. Generally, they were unsuccessful as most CEDA agents have either abandoned ship or are infected themselves, leaving any survivors to fend for themselves against near-overwhelming amounts of zombies. The military has currently stepped in, clearing out infected areas and providing evacuation for survivors, presuming survivors live to find them.

Character Personality: In a nutshell Rochelle is a friendly, kind, but sassy and somewhat guarded young woman from Cleveland. Before the infection it was assumed she simply had a normal life, working determined and ambitiously towards that dream job of hers.

She's sensible and level-headed with a dry sense of humor, peppered with a lot of sarcasm. Her sarcasm isn't quite up to the level of the cynical conman in their group, but it is up there. Most times she states her mind pretty frequently, responding with a "Jimmy Gibbs Jr... yay" to the goofy mechanic in their group that gets excited when he hears that his favorite racecar driver is around. She'll even ask a dead Coach if Coach was his first name or his last name, but it's debatable if she's making a cold remark or is just trying to cope with the situation (as her and the Coach normally have a pretty friendly relationship). Her dry wit frequents her lines a lot.

This aside she's considered the big sister of the group, joking and teasing with other characters a lot of the time during quiet moments. If she's helping an injured teammate, depending on the situation she'll give them encouraging words with a few pet names involved ("baby", "sweetie"). Other times she'll hastily snap at them to get up, though it's understandable under the stressful situations they're usually thrown into. Though considering the situation combined with her dry humor, she's suprisingly patient with certain characters (attributing to her "big sister" status).

She tries to be confident in a zombie apocalypse sort of setting despite her obvious fear (mostly shown if she's injured, to which she screams in pain if she gets attacked). For the most part, she is certainly not a damsel in distress, and tries to deal with the situations in her own ways. At first she tries to distance herself from the complete strangers she has to work together with, but when she becomes friends with them it's more apparent her dry wit seems to help in her barely-dealing-with-this sort of moments.

*ooc, *app, *character info

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