Well, after many months, one mysterious disappearing folder, restarting it from scratch and many weeks of not much else, my website is finally launched.
::::axeman graphics:::: I decided, rather than go down the path of many other designers who do a whole bunch of flash, animations, glitzy graphics and all of the bells and whistles, that I would go down the artistic path, and do a hand drawn website.
I wanted to show what an artist COULD do, meaning original, hand drawn art, but with a twist. Everything on the site, from the background (sketchbook and timber both photographed by myself) to the icons (hand drawn myself) and everything in between was created by myself. All photographs were shot using my Canon G11 Powershot, and all drawings were drawn with a HB pencil. I do not work with anything other than a HB in my drawings.
Even the concept of the website was sketched in my sketchbook about a year ago when stuck on a train for an hour or so, and then over the past 6-8 months, I have drawn each section of my rough positional sketch with much more detail, and much larger (everything has been drawn at A4 or larger) and then scanned it all in, photoshopped it into the current layout, and exported to Dreamweaver.
Please feel free to go through the site, click on links, read through the text and tell me what you think. If you DO find an error, please let me know, as I have been looking at this for so long, I would not be surprised if I missed something...
I have also uploaded low-res versions of each of the drawings to my facebook. you are welcome to check them out and comment or like your favourites :D
Facebook Album Thanks again to the people who kept pushing me into FINALLY finishing this project!! :)