Title: Mission Accomplished
Author: Meganmonster,
llama_samaPairing [Fandom]: Axel & Roxas [Kingdom Hearts]
Rating: PG/PG-13, because my not-really Axel-muse happens to be violent.
Word Count: 1,379
Summary: And so he thinks and thinks and thinks until his head hurts and his blood boils, and he needs to go find some Heartless to take his aggravation out on.
Notes: OH SNAP, I DIDN'T WRITE PORN. DD: Written because Romu is bored, but as I wrote this, it became Axel-centric, and so my Roxas-muse will return to sitting in his emo bucket of woe until I can use him in RP. Lyrics/Prompt are "Is This Love?" by Cake.
My eyes are burning in my head,
and seeing only red,
and wishing you were dead.
Axel relishes in the way the shadows feebly try to defend themselves )
X-posted wherever because I'm a dirty attention whore. :