Nov 15, 2011 16:08
Or at least the local area.
Our church, at the last business meeting, decided that it was not enough to take donations of food from the congregation for the Salvation Army food bank, but that the church needed to pony up, at least through the winter. Since we're a small group, we decided to start with a modest dollar amount - $100/month, and each month someone would spend the money (different person each time, so no one feels put upon).
I took the first month and went to Aldi, where I filled my trunk with a variety of things: canned fruit and veg, canned pasta, tuna, boxed mashed potatoes, and pasta sauce. Very satisfying, I must say.
I'll still be doing my regular couponing for cheap personal care items, and I'm going to throw a few things into the Scouting for Food bag for this weekend. I see, even without ever meeting a recipient, that I am making a difference (albeit small and temporary). Food for the bellies; personal care items for self-esteem (no one wants to stink or look scruffy - and yes, I make sure to get men's products as well as women's) and good health (if you need this assistance, I'm guessing you're not seeing a dentist regularly, so I buy a lot of toothbrushes and toothpaste).
If only this sort of thing weren't so necessary.
foamy says shower!,
society is to blame,