
Nov 05, 2010 11:04

The Kids are All Right

so what i've learnt from a simple premise of family dynamics is that even if you put two women together in a marriage, they're going to love, fight, embrace, hurt and cope the same way as any straight coupling. only multiply the intensity by 110% haha

when men and women fight, they ultimately reach a stalemate. it's about how men process and how women obsess. by and large, the genders manage their marital crisis by either evasion or too much problem-solving. a wife-wife dynamic however can work both ways. they'll cut each other down to petty little quarrels or they'll just sob their way through their issues (with lots of wine) and then regroup and re-devote themselves to each other for another lifetime (like their cats' nine-lives probably haha).

anyway i totally related to Bening's character. she opened my eyes to how i can be the control-freak stifling older partner who assumes too much about how much she knows her wife and hardly gives her a chance to assert her maturity. and yes, sometimes it's ok to acknowledge you're wrong, even if it hurts your self-righteous pride =P the mrs has certainly taught me a lot more than i sometimes care to admit.

next!time for a gay dads movie i say!

review, film, queer

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