we are victims of our own devices. sometimes i think that sums up everything in our lives. we don't seem to see that but are quick to blame the entire world for our ill-conceived decisions.
let's start from a macrocosm of world events. haha this must be global awareness week. that tragic shooting at fort hood. we can blame the perp for his madness and whatever religious motivations which led to its outcome. but the point is, why send a man with obvious affinity to his islam faith to afghanistan? what sort of inadequate management runs that place? it's like sending a jew to invade israel.
and then in the local news, we read of countless cases of maid abuse,
family tragedies resulting from bad debts etc. all these can be simply avoided if people just acknowledged something fundamentally wrong with themselves -- don't bite off more than you can chew. hire a maid when you can hardly manage your own kids and household? paradoxically a maid is suppose to lighten that load, but do you think she's a programmed android? she is another human life whom you are held accountable for as long as she lives in your house. how do you expect her to get by with minimal food and sleep and still do a stellar job?
and then there are the weak-willed who run their families into the ground (& quite literally when they set fire to their homes). why get married and have kids when you have a serious gambling problem? do they deserve to be doomed by your fuckingly imbecile behaviour? i read with much indignation when peeps point to the police for not minding the loansharks in their neighbourhood but you know what? stop and THIIINKKK morons. who originated the problem? which tard made another ill-conceived decision to gamble his lifesavings away and run the entire family into bankruptcy??
breathe. i don't know why i get so affected by these things. i guess it comes down to my low threshold for human stupidity. by that i don't mean one's IQ but how when people don't apply themselves sensibly. or as satirist voltaire once lamented, common sense isn't so common.
and finally. the peeps i know. how they whinge on a daily basis about their misfortunes when you think about it, you wake and you have 1. your health 2. a roof over you head 3.food on your plate 4.a decent economy which allows you to keep your damn job 5.parents who pay for your damn education 6. so many more creature comforts which you are privileged to have
so why the fuck do these peeps have to constantly think their world is collapsing. have you spent a day at a hospice watching the terminally-ill struggle with every breath? have you been evicted from your home by court bailors? have you had to contemplate on whether your miserly handouts of $9 /day can feed your sorry ass, let alone your family? have you had to work with your bare hands cleaning up after an entitled generation of brats who think the world owes them for being born?
if not then STFU!!