frilly fan fiction from a frivolous fart.

Jan 19, 2005 18:23

(mucho apologies to CBS)

Dude, Where's my Corpse?

So Gruesome & his team are awoken bright and early to investigate the brutal murders of a couple making out at a remote part of a multi-storey carpark.

Gruesome (characteristically late after the night with Jack Daniels): So team...hic...what can you elicit from the scene so far?

Stroke (the alphamale know-it-all): Hey chief, it seems to be a double homicide

Pillows (pmsy-like): Like newsflash!?

Brownie (adjusting mishapened bed-head afro): OK dudes, quit it. Let's just take a closer look, shall we?

Gruesome: Hey, Stroke, once you stop tripping over the line-tape, maybe you could put on some gloves?

Stroke: Heh, read ya, chief.

Gruesome: ...and Pillows, you might want to put your hair in a net before you go clomping around?

Pillows: You got something against my coif, chief, just coz I'm the only woman in this outfit? What about Brownie's fuzzy locks?

Brownie: Hey back off, biatch, you have a beef with brothers making it to Level 3? (breaks into "Swing Low...")

Gruesome: Aiight, cut it, we got much to do, dawgs

Pillows (flushed from collecting DNA samples, mostly her own strands of hair): Here, got me a bagful chief, I'll head on back to the lab

Stroke: (Oh crap, I just stepped on some blood, think anyone will notice?)

a beat

Brownie: Hey some punk-ass left this huge Doc Martens print here, so I'm thinking it's gotta be some skinhead killing...

Pillows: But the couple were white...

Brownie: Y' well, we'll just have to take a shot and find a match won't we? It says 'size 11' (snaps picture)

Stroke: Hey, what a coincidence! I wear a size 11! What are the odds?

Gruesome: OK stop yabberin', back to the lab then. And Pillows, could you please put away that emery board and stop your manicuring near the bodies?

Back at the lab

Pillows: (hardly containing excitement) OK, I've got a clear hair sample match...let's see (runs file through the system)...the killer must be brunette, medium-length cut, split ends eww....

Brownie: I still maintain it was a skinhead, which, duh, means the only hair sample could be falling out his pits

Pillows: shush, can't anyone get some work done here?....(looks at match)...OMG...the hair sample... matches....mine!

Stroke: which means...Pillows..(jumps across the desk with handcuffs) have the right to remain silent!

Pillows: What the - ?

Brownie: Wait a minnit...Stroke, let me see your boot again?

Stroke: Whassup, dude?

Brownie: Just hand it (drops it in a ziploc bag)

Stroke (hobbles away): I don't know what you're insinuating but I'm not liking it one bit

Brownie: Ah-hah! Look at the screenshot of the bootprint -- perfect match!

Stroke: That can't be, I was at a poker game last night...

Brownie: Tell it to your lawyer. Security? Kindly put these two officers in the pen.

Pillows: B-but, I was working on my embroidery needlework all night!

Brownie: Uh-huh

Stroke & Pillows taken away, struggling in cuffs

Gruesome (enters): What's going on here?

Brownie: How's a promotion sound, chief? I've solved this one before the 2nd commercial!

Gruesome: Wow, and to think I've secretly underestimated the boys in the hood

Brownie: Yo, I'll let that one slip on account of having your job in a month! (saunters off)

Gruesome (grinning aside): Sigh...tell me again why my team rules!

tv, creative

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