MLS Spree 7 - Updates
Spree page: Page: Addresses
Please indicate your postage method, enter your mailing addresses in the following format in a new comment! All comments will be screened.
Name/LJ Nick:
Postage: Normal / Registered (add $2.24)
Payment details: (transfer reference & amount transferred)
Mailed via normal mail 21 July
** elviol
** denisethequeen
** girlynail1985
** wendytay
** nexusangel
** blankety00
** chimericalz
** blythe_doll
** joicegal
Mailed via normal mail 23 July
** erssr
** mchimit
Mailed via registered mail 23 July
** shufen0817 --> RR622716250SG
** youkie --> RR622716248SG
** oceansheartbeat --> RR622716249SG
Combining with PL26
** explosmlove