the Official Women In Horror Recognition Month Pink Kiss Seal courtesy
of Rue Morgue for your February event, podcast, blog series, and beyond.
It's not to late ;)
Background Information
The Mission:
February, Women in Horror Recognition Month (WiHM) assists
underrepresented female genre artists in gaining opportunities,
exposure, and education through altruistic events, printed material,
articles, interviews, and online support. WiHM seeks to expose and break
down social constructs and miscommunication between female
professionals while simultaneously educating the public about
discrimination and how they can assist the female gender in reaching
The Vision:
world wherein all individuals are equally given the opportunity to
create, share, and exploit their concept of life, pain, and freedom of
The Organization:
Viscera Organization is a 501(c)3 non profit organization expanding
opportunities for contemporary female genre filmmakers and artists by
raising awareness about the changing roles for women in the film
WiHM is a service provided by the VISCERA ORGANIZATION.!get-the-seal