Oct 10, 2006 19:45
I hope so cause here it is.
Um let's see when did I last ... okay I have a lot of ground to cover. Okay there was the season they call summer. I got bitched at by my mom all summer because I had a job. No seriously. I had a job where I worked only three days a week making $10/hour. That's $240 a week. I don't think that is small enough to constantly bitch at someone for making, but what do I know? Besides working three days a week gave me lots of time to visit casey and plan this small little get together we had planned on september second. Oh and time to go on interviews if any came up.
So I went on two interviews. I didn't hear anything from one company and the other wanted me to be a part of their program. So I went to SetFocus. Look them up. They have a very intensive thirteen week program to teach the big computer science buzz words so people can get jobs that requre three to five years experience.
So I got married. It was awesome. Got to see all my friends. Got married to the woman I love. Got to go to Las Vegas. Got to lose a lot of money in Las Vegas. So all in all it was good.
SetFocus. It was like the best thirteen weeks of my life. Learned a lot. Hung out with a lot of really cool people. Even made a video game.
So what have I been up to lately. The same thing I was doing at the beginning of the summer, trying to get a job. I have one company in mind and it seems as though I will get the job I want with them. It's just taking a little while. Have to interview with this person . Wait to hear from another person about that person. Wait for someone else to be back from vacation. Interview with them. I view it like this. There has been plenty of opportunity for them to tell me no and it hasn't happened and I've been showing my dedication to the company already so I'm pretty much in.
Anything else you ask? Just playing like the bestest game ever: Okami. And watching like the bestest show ever: Heroes. If you have a PS2 buy Okami. If you have a tv watch Heroes. Once done, your life will be complete.
How's married life you ask? Good. And sometimes not so good. But the not so good make you appreciate the good so I guess they're not so not so good.
I really can't think of what else to say so leave a comment with a question and I will respond to you.
- Peace, Love, and Donkey Kong