Busy, busy, busy

Mar 11, 2013 06:13

Suddenly feeling a lot of pressure again. No worries, though, I'll work through it. I just have to put ABC on hold for a week or so. We've gotten our LM parts to read, and I'm worried because I've lost my podfic mojo slightly lately. I've lost my everything mojo lately, actually. Hah. But I at least wrote something the night to yesterday (only 3,000 words, but it's a lot for me), and the lovely Cee has beta'ed it, and I'll put it up on AO3 in a few days (or at the end of the week, at the latest).

And I should also look through my cv and job applications (and maybe write some more), and send them.

But first, I need to sleep. I really, really, really need to sleep.

lm podfic, i'm extremely tired, podfic adventures, writing, time issues, abc podfic

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