Hi! We now have eleven members with twelve watching our group, and while that isn't all that much I appriciate everyone joining. I'm sure we'll grow with a little activity, so here's a contest! This one is a little different, so be sure to take a peek under the cut.
[Banner Coming Soon!]
The Contest:
Creating a Fanmix
A fanmix is a collection of songs describing a person or realtionship. You may chose either one girl or one ship for this. The limited amount of songs is five, maximum being ten. You can make an orginized list of links if need be, because it'll be easier to make and listen to. A graphic corresponding isn't nessacary and won't give you an advantage, but its encouraged as it will set the mood. You will be judged on how the songs fit with the character/ship and creativity.
(**if your song is about an event or trait that isn't canon you'll have to explain it, for example, if i chose cat and chose a song to describe her love for... chairs, then i'd explain why the song is there.**)
Hopefully this isn't too confusing, which I think it is. If so, feel free to ask questions below!
When you post your entry, be sure to use the tag july contest: fanmix, please!