Ok, so here we go!
Yes, that is 4:36 A.M. My alarm goes off at 4:35 A.M. every weekday morning.
This was about 6:00 A.M. This is what I walk into each and every weekday--until summer break. :o)
It's about 7:15 A.M. and I'm just about ready to start class.
Nothing much to see here. The kids are changing classes--extremely average day, so far.
It's the end of the school year. We don't do much. The kids are watching a video on South American mummies.
Not trying to be disgusting, but...my first bathroom break of the day! Our bathroom is small, but it's not too tacky.
Inputing some year-end grades.
Finally, lunch! I'm a little addicted to Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper. That Diet Rite is SO NOT mine--it belongs to the teacher who is a healthy eater & borrows my fridge.
The hill we just came off of from having our fire drill.
Gathering up the softball equipment so the faculty can practice for their Faculty v. Softball Team game.
"Babysitting" a few of my cheerleaders before we practice.
Me. Trying to make myself presentable while dead tired from practicing softball with the faculty. Yes. My chalkboard does revolve around Veronica Mars (gotta teach these kids something!).
Cheer Practice. See how I do a little bit of everything?!
The cheerleaders should never be allowed to touch my camera.
Finally going home around 7:00 p.m.
The series finale of Alias starts. ::tears::
The series finale of Alias continues. More ::tears::
Alias is done. Major tears at this point. Time to go to bed and start all over in a few hours!