Dec 16, 2005 22:38
Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and the people who get tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people who you want to tag.
okay, since people seem to be doing quirks, lets see if I can name a few
1. I stick my tounge out when Im thinking
2. I rub my palms with my index fingers all the time for some unknown reason
3. When I'm home alone I feel awkward and I get butterflies in my stomach for some reason.
4. Most of the time when I go outside at night I will wish on the first star I see
5. I have a fear of cows/ mooing/ most meat ^^
Hahah okay, now that that is done... time for some journal stuff. :-p
Well yesterday was the first day of finals. I had to sit through 2 class periods, for basically nothing. I found out I got a 97 on my speech and I got a 4 in my Human Com class. I believe I have a 3.5 in my Intro to American Ed class. Anyways. My last exam period went til a little after 6. I was walking home in sleet, which sucked. It made everything all sorts of icy. I slipped and fell on my back and hit my head on a curb behind me. I had a bump and gave myself a headache but that was pretty much it. I came home and I got to talk to my love which was really nice. I miss talking to him on the phone.
I took my American Popular music final today. It was pretty easy. I will have a 4 in that class too, which is all sorts of awesome. After that I went and helped megan study for a bit and then I went to the computer lab and talked to Robert for a bit ^^. Twas nice talkieing to him. I went home after that and layed down for a bit. I was quite tired. I met Becky's boyfriend steve. He looks like moses apparently. I think his hair needs to be longer for that to work :-p. At least he didnt throw shoes like he apparently did the last time he met roomies. lol. We all watched Van Helsing. That was pretty cool. I first saw that with Rob, so it reminded me of that ^^.
My last exam is in poetry on tuesday and then I will be coming home. It will be a nice break. I do have an awkward dr visit coming up soon that I am a bit nervous about. But everything should be okay. I should also be helping Rob move in to Penn State which should be nice. Im really going to miss him. Im hoping that maybe my mom will let me take my car to campus so that maybe I can go and visit him while he is there. He should be spending New Years with me so that should be really nice. I have never had a boyfriend on new years. It should be very nice starting off a new year with him. Getting a kiss at midnight will be a first and I cant wait for it ^^
But for now I am going to get going. I am talking to my honey!!! ^^
I love him so :)