Oct 04, 2005 21:37
Cust - Yes I have no connection.
Me - Ok lets check settings.
*troubleshooting occurs here*
Me - Ok mam what I see is that the modem and pc are not communicating but the fact that your network card is flip flopping between cable unplugged and acquiring address makes me pause.
Cus - what do you mean?
Me - Well, that shouln't be happening. I can send a tech to test and swap the modem. Are you avail on monday?
Cust - I guess I have to be. Will I get a refund for my lack of service?
Me - Yes, cust server can work wih you to refund you for the lost week.
Cust - Week? This hasn't worked since I got it a month ago.
Me - I see no trouble calls at my level. Did you speak with other levels of our support?
Cust - No, I called for the first time today. Today is first day I have usd it.
Me - If today is the first day you have tried how do you know it has been bad for a month?
Cust - Well if it is not working now then it has to have been bad since a month ago.
Me - ..........
Me - Ummm, I don't want to argue with you about this but since you have no way to prove it has been failing, and we have no way to prove it has been working, all I can say is you wil hve to talk to customer service to discuss this.
Cust - What do You mean I can't prove it has been working?
Me - Mam, you JUST said you have not used this since it's been setup till today. That means you do not know if it was working or not prior to today.
Cust - Well it couldn't have been cause it is not working now.
Me - And how do we know that it could have worked prior to today but a power surge damaged the modem or your pc?
Cust - I use a surge strip.
Me - .....
Me - Your ticket number for a technician is XXXXXX. Would you like me to transfer you to cust service to discuss your claim?
Cust - yes.
Me - Thanks for calling time warner.