My first annoyance with online classes.

Sep 07, 2005 02:45

Ok, so the way I figure things, it has been a while since I posted anything negative up here so here's a nice treat of annoyance in my life.

As many of you know, I am taking online classes with the intent to get my business degree. Classes have been going well and I am now currently in semester #3. Although one of my new teachers is a bit "off", for lack of a better word, I am still getting through assignments and the work with no problem. Whats the gripe you ask?

Well last semester, week 8, I had to do 3 quizes for a class. I did the quizes, posted them in order as I did them, titled Quiz 1, Quiz 2 and Quiz 3. They are time stamped and dated as they are posted so the teacher knows that they are in fact on time as you can see in the below example.

Now you will notice the red circle around the three quizes. Why is there a red circle? Because my teacher posted in that red line at the top of the list that my quizes 1 and 2 were missing. So what do I do? I take a screen shot of my inbox to show that I did post them and that his outlook must not be downloading them properly. I then REPOST the damn quizes with the screen shot in good faith that he will see the error of his ways and give me credit.

WRONG!! I am now sitting with an A- in the class because I got a big fat 0 for both of these fucking quizes when I shoul dhave an A or A+. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking mad right now about this shit and it took every ounce of energy to write the teacher an e-mail, once again pointing out that the quizes WERE poste don time and that I would please like the full credit I have earned from them without coming across as demanding or as pissed off as I really am.

I will post once I get a response.
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