my family let this kid live with us for a couple of years because his parents were messed so they couldn't take care of him. after he finally moved out of our house after all that time, he didn't come back to see us for years, and when he finally did come back, he didn't care what any one else had to say. he acted like he was never a part of our family, and he was completely selfish about everything. he never takes advice anymore. the only thing he takes is sympathy when he's complaining or a bed to sleep on since he's homeless. it's shocking to see people you care about take so much one day - as they seem to be appreciative - and then the next day, all they do is take, and think that's all your relationship is good for. it's crazy that our world is so divided into two people; people who give all they can, and people who take all they can. once you even begin to walk down one of those paths of either being a giver or taker, that's just how you'll be. once you've opened the door to a friend, they just expect that door to be open forever, despite how shitty their attitudes can get. there just has to be a point where everyone says, "I can't give you any thing else," or "I can't take any thing else." I don't know, it's hard to walk away from people who need your help. it's not like anyone in my family can do it, since we're all STILL letting this kid treat us like shit. but I swear those people who can find a perfect balance between giving and taking .... those people are fricken gifted. ^^ I don't even know what that was all about. just my story and opinion and blahhh blahhhh. but I hope things work out between you two. I'm wicked sorry for all the stress it's caused ya pal.
it was actually interesting to read .. you're a good story teller first off .. and that really is sad . ive had 2 "friends" living with me this year so i can relate a lot to .. yeah .. im sorry you had to deal with that . it really is ashame people aren't appreciative of anything and take shots at you when you're doing everything you can to help .. hmph
^^ I don't even know what that was all about. just my story and opinion and blahhh blahhhh. but I hope things work out between you two. I'm wicked sorry for all the stress it's caused ya pal.
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