little bit o' updatin'

Oct 25, 2005 02:10

...I'm so tired right now, but the weekend was LOVERLY!
Paulie came to Bamberg to surprise me on Thursday. I'd just said to myself, "Krystle, don't get your hopes up," when I come out of the elevator, look at my door, and see a little piece of paper sticking out of it. It just has Paul's signature on it. I proceed to go BANANAS! I rush inside, throw down my stuff, run downstairs (okay, so I took the elevator, but it's six floors, people!) and bang on Nikki's door. He hasn't been there. Nikki and I go to bang on Molly's door. He hasn't been there either. Then Nikki (genius girl) suggest I look @ Daniel's. JACKPOT! It was gorgeos, but I'll spare you the mushy hugs-and-kisses scene.
Thursday night we went out with my ppl to Tapas. Paul had a little too much to drink and asked me if the hill we'd climbed to GET to Tapas was supposed to be slanted that way when we were walking back. Uhm, yes Paul. We snagged some McD's on the way home (I was curious...and I'll never do it again...probably) and then crashed.
Friday morning we were supposed to get an early start on seeing the city. Uh, didn't happen. But we did get out around 11ish, get brunch, took the bus into town, and had some fun before my class. I think he really likes Bamberg :-)
After class, we took one last little walk around the city, got some ice cream cones, and walked to the Bahnhof. I got my ticket to Frankfurt for super-cheap (thank you, Bayern Single Ticket) and enjoyed the nighttime train ride.
That night, it was my turn to get a little drunk. Caipirahnas at Spectrum are NOT the same as at Tapas. They're BIGGER with more alcohol. Apparently I was convinced that I was speaking fluent German on the way home. Paul insists that I was slurring a bit and using English nouns, but I still contend that I'm a language MASTER!
Saturday we went to the Frankfurt street market (where I had my first Turkish Doner...delish!) and then to the HUGE international book convention. I could have just about peed my pants, it was so awesome. I even got some cool German comic books signed by the author and the illustrator, and made some preliminary contacts with literary agents. And I got my name signed in Korean by this Korean lady from Paris. She was cool. Later I got to meet Danielle in person for the first time, but she only stayed about 10 minutes because she needed to go home with Scott. That night we went out to eat with Stephen, Callie, Lauren (all LSU students) and Peter (from Washington State)at this place called the Keeper's Lounge. I suggest drinking a "Snowball" and having a Parmaschinken and Pesto on Ciabatta. Yum, I tell you!
Sunday was lazy. We got up late, had some lunch downtown, strolled through the (AWESOME) museum of natural history (with all the little German babies) and had another ice cream cone. Ooh! There was this double rainbow over Frankfurt while we ate our cones and it was B-E-A-utiful. Then we went home to laze about some more.
I didn't feel like going home Sunday night, so I got up Sunday morning at around 6:15. Then at 7:15. And finally at 8:15 to head out. I got another super-cheap ticket, and was on my way for 9:30am.
You know in the movies where they show that cheesy scene of one lover leaving on a train while the other stands at the platform. Yea, it doesn't seem so cheesy to me anymore. Saying goodbye over and over again is hard, even from just 3 hours away.

Anyway. I have to go to Dr. Weihe's office this morning and possibly meet Dr. Bus about an English course. Don't take this as gospel, but I might be doing a little theatre here in Bamberg. I'll definitely get pics of that if I do.

I miss you guys. I don't ever intend to fully not miss my home, but I am beginning to have more fun here and explore.

Oh yeah! I'm getting a free trip to Berlin on the first weekend in November. Ka-Ching, I say!

We'll, I have to go get ready. 10 o'clock is sneaking up on me.

P.S. After four nights of AMAZING, coming home to your own cold bed is just stoopid. Urgh!
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