Apr 30, 2009 00:16
Gah Swine Flu. Whatevs.
My friend in San Diego says she can't come visit me because UCSD has advised all students and teachers against coming to Mexico. GASP!
But wait...cases in San Diego: 7 confirmed
cases in Ensenada: 0!
Suck on THAT, SD!
Oh and in other news, totally unrelated to swine flu, I've decided to go back to Korea in the fall. Financially it makes more sense. And James-uh is looking at getting me a job, possibly writing curriculum.
The money in DF isn't much more than I make now and I would have to pay rent and the cost of living is higher and they want a 2-year minimum out of me. It sounds like a great school, and I would be getting a CELTA certification from them, but shit. I can go save $10,000 in a year and then have plenty of time. And now that I'm single, I can make this decision with a clear head and an unfettered heart. Suck on that!
I just realized I typed that twice in one entry. Heh?
And I DO care about the swine flu...one can't help but caring when it's staring me in the face every day of my life here. It's all anyone can talk about...and an unscheduled extra vacation never hurt anyone, right? (Though we were going to have the 1st-5th off anyway...)