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Oct 29, 2005 11:34

Wow ... I don't even know where to begin to talk about my life up to this point. There has been so much heartache and so much happiness that has taken place and so many new people in my life. I have learned some lessons in life and learned through it all that I can only become stronger because ain't no body gonna get me down.

I have the best time with my favorite roomie and my IDT friend to the end. So many laughz have been shared and so much crazy shit has taken place. Hey roomie ... I didn't mean to turn you into a criminal though :).

The flavor ... you are so damn cute! I'll continue to be nicer each time we chill ... u know itz all in good fun.

The guyz ... u all sure know how to put a smile on my face when I need it and say it like it is. What would I do without all your hugz ... they mean more than you know. However, don't be making up thingz now ... HEHE!

You ... that part is over never to be again. It is time for us just to let each other live our own lives and when we can deal with that maybe a friendship can happen but for now it just ain't working. When you decide you can be honest and not so cold hearted I'll want your friendship ... until then itz all work baby. I'll alwayz miss the old you.

Bro ... it seems as though we have grown apart since the days of high school but know you alwayz number one in my heart ... maybe one day we will be as close as we were but I'm not sure I have faith in that ... but I'll continue to hope. And you know your presence is alwayz welcomed in wonderful Erie ... so show that face!!

Shake dat Laffy Taffy
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