Oct 08, 2004 17:39
tonights the first circa show. im excited to go watch them because they are some of the few musicians i have met in a long time who actually play because they love not music and not to be cool and have everybody kiss there butts. sondra should be here in a couple of hours. i need her here now though. as far as life goes its good but i just feel so stuck here and anxious to move on. i can barely stand to go to classes everyday because all i want to do is be married and play music and my time for that seems to be cut short. i think the reason im so sick of school is because i feel like it traps me from doing things i actually wish i was doing. i know people say that its not much different then working but it is. because ive never been to work all day and then had come home and read 100 pages about it and type report papers about it everyday. and i know some people are workaholics and work when there home but im not, because i dont want to be a slave to money. i actually want to fill my life with meaningful things. im here and ill never be here again so i should enjoy it but i just cant. i think its because when im working a job or around people who arent Christians i actually feel like my life has meaning. but when im here i just feel like im waiting around for something to happen but never have enough time to find out what it is. i dont want people to think i hate college, i love my friends, i just dont like the schedule of doing things day in and day out that i just dont feel apply to me or are going to benefit me at all. granted i have some cool classe like synopitc gospels which i love every minute but i just cant get pumped about the fact that i got wake up at 8 to golf...thats higher education for ya. if you play bass or drums, or sing(maybe not though), and you love Jesus let me know. im going to see number one fan and noise ratchet on sunday with Sondra, that should be awesome. im also going to get to see number one fan on wednesday to which rules once again because theyre one of my favorite bands. also dave booked anathallo here in novemeber. i seriously can not wait for that. and i still cant wait till sondra gets here..get here so we can watch air bud 3 baby. animals make movies fun. and the funny thing is i bet if you interviewed animals that have been in movies they could give you better political ideas than all the human actors. by the way i saw eternal sunshine....mind and that movie was awesome. i also got some new awesome cds such as the paper chase and the new hot rod circuit. anything else...ummm...no.