Aug 03, 2004 12:40
last night i went to st louis with dave and wes. we saw the walkmen. they were incredible. the opening band called soundteam was awesome too. wes and dave both started working for this guy and lady who bascially book all the cool shows in st louis. this is their job. they go to the show give the bands their meal money and set them up a tab and then watch a concert and get paid 40 dollars at the end of it.but seriously the walkmen are incredible.
i really want to go on a political rant right now about a lot of things but i dont think i can do it with ticking a lot of people off so i dont know if i am or not. i dont want people posting their political views on my page, because to be honest....i dont care ive basically heard every good as well as stupid argument. im just sick of all the political propaganda going around right now more than ever. in st louis at vintage vinyl you can registar to vote. which is cool, but througout the entire store their is stuff like rock against bush posters and the such and the whole time their is a guy talking on the mic over the intercom about how he hates george bush. why are they really pushing people to vote? and then their is micheal moore. who is awesome at what he does. which is make documentaries that force people to look at issues they dont want too. but what he also does is only show his biases and present his side. he even admitted to doing that and splicing film for both bowling for columbine and his new movie(cant think of what its called).
i guess basically what i am saying is if you dont like bush cool, good for you.but at least know why. and dont use ignorant crap you read on a t-shirt, or heard an actor say, or saw on some punk rock bands t-shirt for why you hate him. know why you disagree with his policies and views, dont just say the war is all about oil, or hes killer. dont just hate the president cause its the cool thing to do or because rolling stone, anti-flag, and micheal moore tell you too. think about these issues with your own mind and not rely on someone elses. remember everyone has a bias no matter how much they claim they don't. and after if you study up and figure out youre not voting for bush i 100% respect that. but if your just some ticked off kid who hates everything and doenst really know why and the president happens to be a current hot button for you but your only reason is " i hate that guy"... then stay home and shut up until you know what youre talking about.