No offense to all you "Bush Lovers"

Nov 03, 2004 20:59

Ahhhhhhh!! So we elected the moron of the United States to run our country for 4 more years!! What is wrong with America! What is wrong with all of those young voters out there? You know if you thought your vote didn't count, it did! There were 80% of young voters who were going for Kerry and if they would have voted the difference would of been great! I just want to know, if you voted for Bush what were your reasons? Is it because he's Christian? Well guess what so am vote for me next time! Being christian does not make you a good president. Or is it because you support the war? Hmmmm I support all of those soldiers fighting for our freedom but I certainly do not support the war itself. Especially when Bush has killed thousands of our loved ones. And for what? Weapons of mass destruction? PLEASE! There are no weapons of mass destruction, that was his excuse to go and take all of their oil. Of course, why not? It's so convenient for us to go and "free" a country.....and then try to take over them. Oh yeah, whatever happened to that huge terrorist threat during the holidays? Guess what? There wasn't one coming! It was to create paranoia in our society and guess what it worked. All of the fear that was put into us to divert us from his real plan to go and bomb Iraq. But why Iraq? They have never done anything to us. But of course what's Bush's reason? "They have weapons of mass destruction" Really? where are they? Maybe they're under all of those innocent people that were bombed and killed.Or maybe they were in that asprin factory that was bombed with workers inside. Hey I have a thought...North Korea hasn't done anything to us yet, but wait! They have weapons, let's go bomb them next! Haha...Another thing, what in heavens happened Osama? Well the president himself said he wasn't even bothering to look for him anymore. Hmmm that's comforting. The terrorist who put America through disbelief, pain,and sorrow. Yeah but everyone kinda forgot about him and turned to Saadam. Ooooo the list can go on. Anyway I am just a very disappointed American, that so many people are ignoring the truth. That they just choose to look the other way, or just don't care. It's a sad day in America when a president who wasn't even supposed to win the last election, is running our country.
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